The Crumbling Concrete Stairs

Crumbling Concrete Stairs

“Crumbling between the fingers, under the feet, / Crumbling behind the eyes, / Their world gives way and dies / And something twangs and breaks at the end of the street.” –Louis MacNeice The concrete stairs, leaning and decaying, lead up to a locked second floor wooden door.  When dark, the single light above barely…… Continue reading The Crumbling Concrete Stairs

East Side Police Call Boxes

East Side Call Box IV

Hearkening back to the turn of the 20th century, these vintage police and fire emergency call boxes still stand all over the East Side neighborhood in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Once a vital communication link between the policemen on the street and dispatchers, they are now used mostly as junction boxes for streetlights and such.  And they are slowly…… Continue reading East Side Police Call Boxes

Day 123 – Binary

Day 123 - Binary

“There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.” — Unknown I think the message says it all!  😉 Day 123 of 365.

Abandoned School House and a Comfy Chair

Abandoned School and Comfy Chair

I originally shot this old school house interior and broken chair back in March of 2012.   My wife and I were taking the backroads in northern Illinois somewhere near Rockford when we passed this old building.  Of course, I immediately hit the brakes and turned around and started shooting.  There was something about the…… Continue reading Abandoned School House and a Comfy Chair

What is the Question

What is the Question

“Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom.” –Marilyn Ferguson When I look up at the top of the staircase that is my life’s journey, I see a dark figure looking down at me. That dark figure is me.  It is the inner voice that says be afraid, quit, you…… Continue reading What is the Question

Exit To Somewhere


An exit is not just a way out, it is a way in – an entrance, if you will, to somewhere else. This sign is above a door in one of the buildings in the old Pabst Brewery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Day 60 of my 365 photo a day project.

Apothecary Bottle and Clothespin

Apothecary Bottle Clothespin

The dark damp and mostly forgotten corners of the basement of the two-flat in which we live is a gold mine for cool subjects to shoot.  Today I found this tiny old apothecary bottle and a clothespin on top of an old dust-covered cabinet with the fading late afternoon sunlight trickling through the one grime…… Continue reading Apothecary Bottle and Clothespin

Hangin’ On

Hangin On

My advice is to keep hangin’ on when your heart has had enough and give more when you feel like giving up. This is a very old clothesline strung in our apartment basement.  Probably hasn’t been used in a very long time. Day 23 of my 365 photo a day project. If you are looking for art for…… Continue reading Hangin’ On

Think About What You Will Gain


In early 2013, my wife and I moved from Chicago to Milwaukee.  In doing so, we moved away from an underwater condo, lots of friends, and 2 steady well-paying jobs not really knowing what was going to happen.   She was going to find a job aligned with her passions and I was going to…… Continue reading Think About What You Will Gain

Lost and Alone

Lost and Alone

I often wonder what stories these old abandoned homes could tell.   This particular home we found on a country road between Montello and Princeton, Wisconsin.  I saw it and immediately had to pull over, grab my camera and tripod and set up to take the shot.    For some reason, an old John Denver…… Continue reading Lost and Alone