Ribbons and Streamers

Ribbons and Streamers

Ribbons and streamers blowing in the night breeze as fireworks explode in the sky marking the 240th birthday of the USA. For the 4th of July, I wanted to do something different for my shot of the day.  A shot of fireworks was too obvious.  And my shots of parades and picnics did not really…… Continue reading Ribbons and Streamers



“This is the truth: as from a fire aflame thousands of sparks come forth, even so from the Creator an infinity of beings have life and to him return again.” –Marcus Tullius Cicero A simple raised line on a piece of white card stock represents the horizon and the infinite beyond. Day 269 of my 365…… Continue reading Infinity

Doubled Arches

Doubled Arches

These futuristic arches line a hallway in the Milwaukee Art Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Now, in reality, it is just one hall, not two. I mirrored the image to create the pair of arched hallways. You may ask why I decided to mirror the shot.  The architecture of this building, especially the interior spaces, is reminiscent of sets…… Continue reading Doubled Arches

Windhover Hall

Windhover Hall at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Day 260 of my 365 photo a day project. Copyright 2016 Scott Norris Photography scottnorrisphotography.com

If you ask someone in Milwaukee how to get to Windhover Hall you may get some blank looks.  If you ask how to get to the art museum or perhaps “that cool building with the wings”, they’ll know exactly how to direct you.  While the proper name of the building escapes most people – the…… Continue reading Windhover Hall

Line on the Horizon

Line on the Horizon

“The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.”  –Christopher McCandless A line on the horizon in a field of whites and greys where sky meets water.  This is Lake…… Continue reading Line on the Horizon

Fantasy Forest

Fantasy Forest

“I’m always astonished by a forest. It makes me realise that the fantasy of nature is much larger than my own fantasy. I still have things to learn.” –Gunter Grass One of the things I’m striving to do with this photo a day project, is to experiment with new techniques,  do things I’ve never done before,…… Continue reading Fantasy Forest

Spring Blossom

Spring Blossom

One of the challenges of shooting Spring flowers is trying to create something unique so that the blossom stands out from the millions of other flower photographs that out there.  And really that should be the goal of any artist – to stand out from the crowd.  To create something from the soul that will draw the viewer in and…… Continue reading Spring Blossom

Impressions of Spring

Impressions of Spring

It’s finally Spring here in Wisconsin.  It’s still cold, but the flowers are out.  Yay!!  Time to shoot flowers and find things with color!   With this macro shot, I intentionally left the depth of field very narrow and the flower mostly out of focus because I knew I was going to process it with…… Continue reading Impressions of Spring

Zero Zilch Zip

Zero Zilch Zip

My mind was a creative zero today.  Nothing. Nil. Nada. Zilch. Zip.   I had a few shots in mind, but nothing really worked and I never felt the inspiration.  But that is OK.  After 212 days – today is day 213 – it was bound to happen again.  As they say in the movies,…… Continue reading Zero Zilch Zip

Black Tree White Sky

Black Tree White Sky

“If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.” –Jim Rohn This photo of a lone tree, shot in McKinley Park along Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, originally included the hazy blue sky, the foreground grass and corresponding shadows, and the blue waters of Lake Michigan in the background.  All nice things, but…… Continue reading Black Tree White Sky

I Voted Today

I Voted Today

I voted today in the Wisconsin 2016 presidential primary.  Who I cast my vote for is between me, my family, and the ballot.  The important part is that I did it.  It is a right and a civic duty that many take for granted – there are people all over the world that yearn for the opportunity…… Continue reading I Voted Today

In the Ether

In the Ether

“I’m trained to look for certain things… I shoot, I shoot, I shoot, and then I go find it in the ether.” –Sante D’Orazio This statement pretty much sums up my image for today.  I was not feeling very creative.  When that happens, to get out of the creative funk, I try something new – a…… Continue reading In the Ether