Yashica FX-3 with 90mm lens

Thanks to some very generous friends,  I now have a vintage Yashica FX-3 film camera and a Vivitar 90mm macro lens.  They have been cleaning out some things from their father’s collection of camera gear, and in the past few months,  I’ve been gifted several film cameras, multiple lenses, a full darkroom setup, a very nice copy…… Continue reading Yashica FX-3 with 90mm lens

Now I Know My ABCs

Now I Know My ABCs

While watching my son play with an old vintage Fisher-Price school house, I noticed this upside down alphabet letter tray.  It was completely emptied, of course, with the magnetic letters spread everywhere across the floor. The ABCs were reversed – the other side is where the letters normally sit – but I thought it would make…… Continue reading Now I Know My ABCs

Paper Spiral

Paper Spiral

This shot of a small spiral piece of paper was inspired, in part, by an incident in our home this morning.  I’ll get to that in a moment.  For the image, I wanted to create something white on white with only light and the corresponding shadows along with texture defining the subject.  Shot macro with my…… Continue reading Paper Spiral

The All-American Burger

All-American Burger

The All-American burger.  A fresh bun. Juicy 100% beef. Look closer. It’s made of plastic.  And just so you know, this is not intended as commentary about the state of the fast food industry.  Although, I’ll admit, it’s not far off from the way I feel about it.  But that is for someone else’s blog. This one is about…… Continue reading The All-American Burger

Rubber Ducky

Rubber Ducky

“Rubber Ducky, you’re the one, You make bath time lots of fun, Rubber Ducky, I’m awfully fond of you;” –Ernie from Sesame Street For today,  I wanted to create an image with colors associated with spring and make something fun and whimsical.   With the duck as the subject, I was inspired both by comic…… Continue reading Rubber Ducky

Blue White Blue

Blue White Blue

“A trilogy is a pretty abstract notion. You can apply it to almost any three things.” –Jonathan Demme This trilogy of alternating sheets of blue and white sheets of paper is a continuation of yesterday’s image.  And again,  I was playing with shape, form and line – foundations of composition – to create a simple and minimal image.…… Continue reading Blue White Blue

Blue Star on White

Blue Star on White

“In the dark blue sky you keep, And often through my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye ‘Till the sun is in the sky. As your bright and tiny spark Lights the traveller in the dark, Though I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star. –from “The Star” by Jane Taylor…… Continue reading Blue Star on White

Spiral: Shape and Form

Spiral Shape and Form

One of the reasons I decided to start a 365 Project was to simply shoot and/or process something new every day.  I’ve been doing that now for 157 days and the journey so far has been fantastic.  Something I did not think about when I started, was how the project would sharpen and expand my design…… Continue reading Spiral: Shape and Form

Magic Screen Duet

Magic Screen Duet

The Ohio Art Etch A Sketch with the “magic screen”.   First sold in the 1960s, I believe, it was (and still should be) in just about every kid’s toy box.  It was hours of fun, turning the knobs left and right, tongue stuck out in extreme concentration, trying so hard to create a masterpiece.…… Continue reading Magic Screen Duet

Found Object: Sand Dollar

Three Sand Dollars

A continuation of the theme from yesterday of found objects:  three sand dollars on a white background.   I’m in the Midwest and it is still very much winter here, so it should be obvious that I did not “find” these today.  They belong to my wife and she’s had them for quite a long…… Continue reading Found Object: Sand Dollar

Creative Block

Creative Block

“The empty page before me now, the pen is in my hand The words don’t come so easy but I’m trying.” –from “On the Other Side” from Monolith by Kansas When you get 152 days into a 365 photo-a-day project, you are bound to have quite a few days where nothing looks right, there is no inspiration,…… Continue reading Creative Block