A tiny empty glass bottle, three decaying leaves, and three lake stones on a wooden table. This was photographed with a single speedlight flash camera left, fitted with a homemade diffuser to soften the harsh light. Processed in Lightroom and Photoshop. Nikon D700, 50mm lens, ISO 100, 1/200, f/4. Looking for art for your home…… Continue reading Leaf Bottle Rocks
Tag: studio
Three Seed Pods
These three seed pods are part of a collection of found objects my wife keeps in a little bowl in our bedroom. While I don’t really know where she found them, after an internet search, I believe they are from a London Plane tree, which is a hybrid of the Oriental Plane and American Sycamore trees.…… Continue reading Three Seed Pods
Black and Red Lentils
Two squares of lentils – black and red – on a white paper background. The inspiration for this photo came from the dinner table. (Go figure!) We had Indian Mojadra – a dish with lentils, rice, and caramelized onions. Do yourself a favor and make it sometime. It is, hands down, my favorite vegetarian dish.…… Continue reading Black and Red Lentils
A Show of Hands
Ok, a show of hands: who thought I would actually get this far in my photo a day project? Anyone? Well, my hand is half raised. I’ve had my doubts that I would finish many times during the journey. Of course, there is a long way to go, but I’m committed! Only 168 days to…… Continue reading A Show of Hands
Yashica FX-3 with 90mm lens

Thanks to some very generous friends, I now have a vintage Yashica FX-3 film camera and a Vivitar 90mm macro lens. They have been cleaning out some things from their father’s collection of camera gear, and in the past few months, I’ve been gifted several film cameras, multiple lenses, a full darkroom setup, a very nice copy…… Continue reading Yashica FX-3 with 90mm lens
The All-American Burger
The All-American burger. A fresh bun. Juicy 100% beef. Look closer. It’s made of plastic. And just so you know, this is not intended as commentary about the state of the fast food industry. Although, I’ll admit, it’s not far off from the way I feel about it. But that is for someone else’s blog. This one is about…… Continue reading The All-American Burger
Hear See Speak
Here is my take on the old proverb, ” Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.” There are many interpretations of what it actually means, both positive and negative. And what my thoughts are on the phrase is irrelevant. What matters is what you think. Day 143 of my 365 photo-a-day project. To…… Continue reading Hear See Speak