Man in the Mirror

Man in the Mirror

“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.” –Ernest Holmes This is the view of my desk I see almost everyday.  I sit down here to jot down crazy ideas and thoughts, create to-do lists, and sometimes (or a lot of the time!) stare at blank sheets…… Continue reading Man in the Mirror

Two Four Six

Two Four Six

Two Four Six.  What does it mean?  Do these three numbers have any significance?  What about the wooden alphabet building blocks?  Well, actually, it is just me trying to find a shot for the day at 10 o’clock in the evening.  The blocks were handy – spread out all over the floor by my son.…… Continue reading Two Four Six

Outside the Box

Think Outside the Box

Thinking outside the box.  That is something we hear quite often.  But we are all conditioned to think the same, do things the way they have always been done, and do what is customary.  And that certainly applies when it comes to learning and growing as a photographer.  Whether you are a beginner or a…… Continue reading Outside the Box

The Armchair in the Attic

The Armchair in the Attic

“The past is an old armchair in the attic, the present an ominous ticking sound, and the future is anybody’s guess.” –James Thurber The two-flat in which we live has two units – one on the first floor and one on the second.  The third floor/attic, open to the rafters high above, is mostly a…… Continue reading The Armchair in the Attic

Minimalist Pillars

Minimalist Pillars

Looking at my son’s wooden toy blocks and specifically the wooden columns,  got me to thinking about the pillars of design for photography. (yeah, my mind is crazy that way)  There are many thoughts on how many elements there are but in my mind there are seven – line, shape, form, texture, color, pattern, and space. Anyway, with…… Continue reading Minimalist Pillars

Bakers Dozen

Bakers Dozen

As a slight nod to today’s date, I wanted to create an image that contained or conveyed the number ’13’ in some fashion.  And for some reason, the first thing that popped into my head was a baker’s dozen – which of course is thirteen.  And before you send me emails wondering if I can count, I…… Continue reading Bakers Dozen

Coffee Tins All in a Row

Coffee Tins All in a Row

If you are of a certain age, you’ll remember in your Dad’s or Granddad’s basement, garage, or back shed workshop, the rows and rows of old coffee tins, mayonnaise jars, paper bags, and old metal cans full of various nuts, bolts, nails, screws, and all kids of metal parts.   Right next to that was…… Continue reading Coffee Tins All in a Row

The Lonely Robot Photographer

The Lonely Robot Photographer

The lonely robot photographer sits under a street light waiting for the sun to rise over the horizon.  This is another in a series of fun shots of the little robot that travels with me on my photographic journeys.  You could call him my mascot or perhaps my good luck charm.  The little guy is also…… Continue reading The Lonely Robot Photographer

Tequila for Cinco de Mayo

Tequila for Cinco de Mayo

How about a shot of tequila for Cinco de Mayo?  Now I will fully admit I don’t celebrate the 5th of May.  Certainly, I’ve been with friends and had a beer or two or a shot, but I don’t go out with the express purpose of observing the day.  Heck, I hardly go out at all…… Continue reading Tequila for Cinco de Mayo

Zero Zilch Zip

Zero Zilch Zip

My mind was a creative zero today.  Nothing. Nil. Nada. Zilch. Zip.   I had a few shots in mind, but nothing really worked and I never felt the inspiration.  But that is OK.  After 212 days – today is day 213 – it was bound to happen again.  As they say in the movies,…… Continue reading Zero Zilch Zip

Spring Flowers on White

Spring Flowers on White

Ah, the Spring flowers are starting to bloom everywhere.  And that is in spite of the snow (SNOW!) we had just last week.  These tiny little blooms are known as Siberian Squill, or, if you prefer the proper Latin name, Scilla Siberica.  I had every intention of shooting these outside today, but with my 105mm lens…… Continue reading Spring Flowers on White

Tinkering Around

Tinkering Around

This is just me tinkering around at the very end of the day. (I did shoot this on the 8th.  Honest!)  Talk about taking it down to the wire.   With little motivation to really spend the time to find “the cool shot”, I just grabbed some of my son’s classic wooden Jumbo Tinker Toys…… Continue reading Tinkering Around