Two Wild and Crazy Guys

This is what a tired son with a cold and a tired Dad (both with very little sleep) do when left to their own devices.  Two wild and crazy guys – with apologies to Steve Martin and Dan Aykroyd. Shot with my Droid cell phone. Day 133 of my 365 photo a day project. If…… Continue reading Two Wild and Crazy Guys

Little Man

Little Man

It was guy’s time at the house today.  Mom was out running errands and such so the little man and I got to hang out and play all day.  Races were won, game winning goals were scored, huge cities were built (and destroyed.  ROAR!!), castles were defended, fierce dragons were slayed, railroads were built (yes,…… Continue reading Little Man

Learning to Hop

Learning to Hop

My son is learning to jump and hop now.  I wanted to capture this moment in a photo so I took three shots of him in action and then combined them into one image.  The vintage polaroid/1970 photomat-look was added just because watching him grow up reminds my of my own childhood was back in the….well,…… Continue reading Learning to Hop

Bath Time II

Bath Time II

It’s bath time and the look says it all.  “Really, Dad?  Another photo?”  Big sigh. Yep!  Another one.  Smile!  Come on, give Daddy a smile! “Not gonna happen, Pops.  Just shoot the dang photo already.” Day 41 of my 365 photo a day project.

Bath Time

Bath Time

“Everything you can imagine is real.” –Pablo Picasso My son,  lost in his imagination, creating new and impossibly fantastic realities,  during bath time. Day 34 of my 365 photo a day project. If you are looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop, many images from this project…… Continue reading Bath Time

A Quiet Moment

A Quiet Moment

A quiet moment with my son, albeit brief, at the Milwaukee Public Library East Branch.  I’m amazed he sat still even this long.  He is a bundle of energy and never really stops moving! Day 11 of my 365 photo a day project. If you are looking for art for your home or office or…… Continue reading A Quiet Moment