Paddle on Lake Monona

Paddle on Lake Monona

“If you want to change the world, find someone to help you paddle.” –William H. McRaven I’m not sure if this couple was out to change the world, but they did seem to be enjoying the day on the lake.  I spotted this canoe on Lake Monona from the Monona Terrace in downtown Madison, Wisconsin.  It…… Continue reading Paddle on Lake Monona

Blank Slate

Blank Slate - Park Bench in Snow

As 2016 begins, we should all sit down, relax, and imagine what we can create in the coming months.  After all, at this moment, the year is a blank slate.  Focusing on what you want to achieve is the first step toward making it happen.  And you’ll never get there if you never try.  …… Continue reading Blank Slate