Ribbons and Streamers

Ribbons and Streamers

Ribbons and streamers blowing in the night breeze as fireworks explode in the sky marking the 240th birthday of the USA. For the 4th of July, I wanted to do something different for my shot of the day.  A shot of fireworks was too obvious.  And my shots of parades and picnics did not really…… Continue reading Ribbons and Streamers

Veil of Memory

Veil of Memory

As I inch ever closer to a half century on this Earth, I’m reminded more and more how fragile memory can be. Whether it is forgetting where I put my keys or trying to think of what’s-his-name that sat next to me in home room back in grade school, the older I get the more…… Continue reading Veil of Memory

Soft Grass

Soft Grass

When you take the time to really look at something, even a single blade of grass, it becomes something mysterious and awesome.  Taken on a walk in a local park, I was struck by the simple charm of this patch of wild grasses.   And it’s something I pass by all the time yet have never really noticed until…… Continue reading Soft Grass

Death Valley 1990

Death Valley 1990

I can’t believe it has been almost exactly 26 years since I was in Death Valley National Park.  I was going back through some (very old) images, relatively low quality scans of 5×7 color prints, and found this image of some sand dunes shot in June of 1990.  I was out there on a three…… Continue reading Death Valley 1990

Minimalist Pillars

Minimalist Pillars

Looking at my son’s wooden toy blocks and specifically the wooden columns,  got me to thinking about the pillars of design for photography. (yeah, my mind is crazy that way)  There are many thoughts on how many elements there are but in my mind there are seven – line, shape, form, texture, color, pattern, and space. Anyway, with…… Continue reading Minimalist Pillars

Spring Blossom

Spring Blossom

One of the challenges of shooting Spring flowers is trying to create something unique so that the blossom stands out from the millions of other flower photographs that out there.  And really that should be the goal of any artist – to stand out from the crowd.  To create something from the soul that will draw the viewer in and…… Continue reading Spring Blossom

Impressions of Spring

Impressions of Spring

It’s finally Spring here in Wisconsin.  It’s still cold, but the flowers are out.  Yay!!  Time to shoot flowers and find things with color!   With this macro shot, I intentionally left the depth of field very narrow and the flower mostly out of focus because I knew I was going to process it with…… Continue reading Impressions of Spring

Raindrops on Green

Raindrops on Green

A line of tiny raindrops sit atop a green leaf against a backdrop of vibrant, verdant green after an early May rain shower. What a way to start the month.  Now it is Wisconsin – so it wasn’t warm by any means when I shot this macro image.  If fact, with the humidity, it was the…… Continue reading Raindrops on Green

Angelic Face

Angelic Face

When the day is rough, I’m beat down, tired, and at wit’s end, this angelic face rescues me from the muck and mire of things that only seem important.  His joy of constant discovery is a fountain.  His laughter is music and his voice a song.  His love is heart-warming and unconditional.  My wife and I are blessed to have…… Continue reading Angelic Face

Sublime Abstract

Sublime Abstract

My goal with this image was to create a soft, sublime, atmospheric abstract out of something from inside our apartment.  I wanted a hint of contour – almost like a foggy landscape with the morning sun peaking over a hill. What is it, you ask?  Well, first I’ll say that the image is rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise, was shot in the…… Continue reading Sublime Abstract

A Bird in the Hand

A Bird in the Hand

This is my take on the old saying “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.”  Which, to me, means it is better to see and appreciate what you have rather than think about and worry about what you do not. Shot with my son’s wooden blue-feathered bird friend in the palm of…… Continue reading A Bird in the Hand

Delicate Pink Feather

A macro photograph of a small magenta feather on a bright colorful background. Day 139 of 365 Copyright 2016 Scott Norris Photography www.scottnorrisphotography.com

“Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all.” — Emily Dickinson For the shot of the day, here is a delicate pink feather on a bright colorful background.  It is cold, grey, and snowy outside and I feel like I’ve…… Continue reading Delicate Pink Feather