Curved Lines 1

Curved Lines 1

Curved lines in the architecture of the Milwaukee Art Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  The artwork in the museum is breathtaking, but the building itself is a work of art.  I could spend hours walking around the interior and exterior of the structure and not even look at what is hanging on the walls.  This building is…… Continue reading Curved Lines 1

Rotunda 4-Ways

Rotunda 4-Ways

This is riff on the shot from yesterday of the Rotunda in the lobby of the Milwaukee Public Library downtown location.  I will often finish processing a shot and then see what crazy off-the-wall things I can do with it.  This is the dome from the foyer simply repeated 4 times in Photoshop.  Since I…… Continue reading Rotunda 4-Ways

The Milwaukee Public Library

Milwaukee Public Library

I’ve been meaning to get down to shoot at the Central location of the Milwaukee Public Library for quite a long time.  Today I finally did.   And wow!  It was mostly a scouting trip – I just brought my camera with my trusty 24-85 and shot hand-held – but a full day of shooting will be coming in…… Continue reading The Milwaukee Public Library