“By a Carpenter mankind was made, and only by that Carpenter can mankind be remade.” –Desiderius Erasmus Just a few of the tools of the trade for a carpenter. I cannot help but be in awe of some of the things a woodworker can do will a saw and chisel and a piece of good wood.…… Continue reading The Tools of the Trade
Tag: shelf
Nuts and Bolts and Bolts and Nuts
Ah, the sign of a well organized basement or garage workshop. Rows upon rows of old mayonnaise and jam jars filled with nuts and bolts and screws and nails. This photo was taken in the basement work space of one my neighbors. And this is only a very very small piece of an incredible smorgasbord…… Continue reading Nuts and Bolts and Bolts and Nuts
Coffee Tins All in a Row
If you are of a certain age, you’ll remember in your Dad’s or Granddad’s basement, garage, or back shed workshop, the rows and rows of old coffee tins, mayonnaise jars, paper bags, and old metal cans full of various nuts, bolts, nails, screws, and all kids of metal parts. Right next to that was…… Continue reading Coffee Tins All in a Row
Clash of Styles
Of the thousands of CDs, vinyl records, cassettes (yes, cassettes), and digital files we have on/in shelves, boxes, cases, sleeves and hard drives, I believe perhaps Beethoven could have chosen a more complimentary shelf on which to sit. Then again, he was a sort of rebel in the classical music world. Hmmm. He probably would…… Continue reading Clash of Styles
Office Shelves
The clutter that is my office shelves. And believe it or not, this is clean. You should see it when it is really cluttered! Day 50 of my 365 photo a day project.