Every Day Dilemma

Every Day Dilemma

The dilemma of a life as a freelance photographer and 3D/2D motion graphics artist is you must find a way to balance family time, client needs, personal projects, relaxation time, and the mundane but necessary tasks of running a business.   It’s enough to drive you crazy at times – being at the center of a…… Continue reading Every Day Dilemma

Eternity Spinning

Eternity Spinning

“Whatever may happen to you was prepared for you from all eternity; and the implication of causes was from eternity spinning the thread of your being.” –Marcus Aurelius Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like Sisyphus, repeatedly rolling the proverbial boulder up the hill only to see it roll down again…… Continue reading Eternity Spinning

A Show of Hands

A Show of Hands: Day 197

Ok, a show of hands: who thought I would actually get this far in my photo a day project? Anyone? Well, my hand is half raised. I’ve had my doubts that I would finish many times during the journey. Of course, there is a long way to go, but I’m committed!  Only 168 days to…… Continue reading A Show of Hands

Crazy Happy Fun Stuff

Crazy Happy Fun Stuff

Experimentation with new techniques, gear, lighting, angles, and subjects can be crazy fun. When the craziness (I’m talkin’ ’bout me) is there at the start, the excitement is doubled. This expression is combination of happy fun and the “oh man, I don’t have any time and I need a shot since I’ll be away from the…… Continue reading Crazy Happy Fun Stuff

Inner Dialogue

Inner Dialogue

“When there is complete peace of mind when the outer world is chaotic,  you will truly be free.” –Matthew Donnelly, “Spirit of Motivation” As humans, we always have that inner dialogue going on in our heads.  Constant internal bickering and fighting like two children on the playground can really wear you out.  I can do it.…… Continue reading Inner Dialogue

In the Ether

In the Ether

“I’m trained to look for certain things… I shoot, I shoot, I shoot, and then I go find it in the ether.” –Sante D’Orazio This statement pretty much sums up my image for today.  I was not feeling very creative.  When that happens, to get out of the creative funk, I try something new – a…… Continue reading In the Ether

What Are You Looking At?

What Are You Looking At?

What are you looking at?  This is just me playing around with some surrealist ideas. What would it look like if you took your glasses off and held them out in front of you and saw your own eyes staring back?  Not bad for a first attempt at it, but the execution needs some work.  I need to…… Continue reading What Are You Looking At?

Half Face Outdoors

Outdoor Half Face

Half a face, outdoors – just a simple self-portrait taken on a nice bright and sunny March day.  I’m not happy that I must wear glasses when I read and work on the computer these days, but I have to say, I do like the way I look with them on.  Not quite a fair trade…… Continue reading Half Face Outdoors

The Dark Figure

Dark Figure

A dark figure stands in a doorway peering into an empty room.   Who is he?  Why is he there?  What does he see?  What is he thinking?  These are all questions I ask myself when I am creating my images.  What is the subject and what do I want it to say to me…… Continue reading The Dark Figure



“All this time and it’s all still fresh to me – overwhelmed” –from “Overwhelmed” by David Garza Sometimes life can seem so overwhelming that all you want to do is curl up in a ball on the floor and pray that everything will just go away.  But there is almost always a light shining and…… Continue reading Overwhelmed

The Crazy Photographer at Work

The Crazy Photographer at Work

This shot involves one camera, one tripod, a cell phone light, one set of extension tubes, two lenses and one crazy photographer (me).   In between 3D animation jobs and a quick trip out to the in-laws, I set my Nikon D700 with my 50mm 1.8 and extension tubes up on my tripod.  The subject…… Continue reading The Crazy Photographer at Work

Whirlwind of the Mind

Whirlwind of the Mind

“To really ask is to open the door to the whirlwind. The answer may annihilate the question and the questioner.” –Anne Rice A self-portrait combining my passion for photography and my “day job” of  3D /2D animation and motion graphics.   I shot a quick and simple head shot with my 50mm lens set pretty…… Continue reading Whirlwind of the Mind