Ribbons and streamers blowing in the night breeze as fireworks explode in the sky marking the 240th birthday of the USA. For the 4th of July, I wanted to do something different for my shot of the day. A shot of fireworks was too obvious. And my shots of parades and picnics did not really…… Continue reading Ribbons and Streamers
Tag: Scott Norris Photography
Revere Eight – Model 99
I just can’t get enough of vintage camera gear. This is the Revere Eight Model 99 8mm camera. I picked this up at a rummage sale in the neighborhood a few weeks ago for $2. I’m not sure if it still works well and honestly, it really doesn’t matter. I bought it for how it…… Continue reading Revere Eight – Model 99
Bright Ideas
The bright ideas have, for the most part, flowed freely during this 365 project. Well, that fount of creative concepts dried up today. Oh sure, I shot a few things. I even went back through some older shots seeing if anything would jump out at me, saying “Yes, this is your image of the day!” But…… Continue reading Bright Ideas
Veil of Memory
As I inch ever closer to a half century on this Earth, I’m reminded more and more how fragile memory can be. Whether it is forgetting where I put my keys or trying to think of what’s-his-name that sat next to me in home room back in grade school, the older I get the more…… Continue reading Veil of Memory
An Orange Lily
This single orange lily is one of many that line our driveway from the garage to the street. Today, while most were in the shade of the house, this one was off by itself, basking in the glow of the sun. For some reason, I thought of the old Chinese proverb that says if you…… Continue reading An Orange Lily
National Camera Day
Today is National Camera Day – a day we commemorate the photograph, the camera, and their inventions. While I couldn’t find any history on the origin of the “holiday”, Nicephore Niépce is credited with creating the first successful photograph in 1826/1827 on or about this time of year. So perhaps that is why it is today. Either way,…… Continue reading National Camera Day
Paint Me a Blue Sky
“Paint me a blue sky. May the colors run true. That I may look to the Heavens, when I search for the truth.” –Ian Moore , “Blue Sky” from his debut album. I thought with all of the craziness going on in the world today, what everyone needed was a big, bright, happy expanse of sky.…… Continue reading Paint Me a Blue Sky
Leading the Way
“If you would have your son to walk honourably through the world, you must not attempt to clear the stones from his path, but teach him to walk firmly over them – not insist upon leading him by the hand, but let him learn to go alone.” –Anne Bronte Raising a child is the best thing…… Continue reading Leading the Way
Milwaukee City Hall Atrium
Many of you may remember the exterior of the Milwaukee City Hall building from the intro to the TV show “Laverne and Shirley”. What many don’t know, and I suspect that includes folks living in the city, is the interior has a very beautiful mutli-balcony atrium. With this shot, I wanted to do something…… Continue reading Milwaukee City Hall Atrium
“This is the truth: as from a fire aflame thousands of sparks come forth, even so from the Creator an infinity of beings have life and to him return again.” –Marcus Tullius Cicero A simple raised line on a piece of white card stock represents the horizon and the infinite beyond. Day 269 of my 365…… Continue reading Infinity
Buckingham Fountain
When you are in Chicago, a visit to the Clarence F. Buckingham Memorial Fountain in Grant Park is a must. Built in 1927, the mutli-tiered ornate fountain is one of the largest in the world. Throughout the day, every hour on the hour, the top center jet shoots water 150 feet into the air. And starting at…… Continue reading Buckingham Fountain
Soft Grass
When you take the time to really look at something, even a single blade of grass, it becomes something mysterious and awesome. Taken on a walk in a local park, I was struck by the simple charm of this patch of wild grasses. And it’s something I pass by all the time yet have never really noticed until…… Continue reading Soft Grass