“Faith is a footbridge that you don’t know will hold you up over the chasm until you’re forced to walk out onto it.” –Nicholas Wolterstorff I am always intrigued by small wooden footbridges such as this one. Especially when I cannot see where it leads. Is there danger on the other side? A paradise? An…… Continue reading Dark Footbridge
Tag: scary
The Parking Garage
The road twisted down into the open mouth of the parking garage. Slow. Slow. Slowly descending into the earth. We would be out of the searing sun and the heart of the day, no doubt. But what of the dangers that lurked below? There was only one way to find out. Down. down. Downward into the blackness. Day 299…… Continue reading The Parking Garage
Go For a Spin
Anyone want to go for a spin? Normally, I would answer this question with a yes! However, at a neighborhood carnival, I would have to pass. I love watching the rides twist and turn with the flashing lights and glowing neon. But my inner ear, stomach, and I have an understanding – everything will be…… Continue reading Go For a Spin
Rivets and Rust
Rivets and rust on the side of the North Point Lighthouse along the Lake Michigan shore in Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s Lake Park. Now just so you know, this is my dark, moody, and steampunk-esque artistic version of the lighthouse. The actual structure is bright white and, although quite old, very well maintained. (See the lighthouse here, here,…… Continue reading Rivets and Rust
Forgotten Room
“It’s as if we live in a house which has a vast treasury in one of its rooms. Only we’ve forgotten about it. So, instead of living a life of royalty, we go about in poverty” –Maharishi Mahesh Yogi This chair sits near the window in the small dark empty room above the detached garage…… Continue reading Forgotten Room
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” –Friedrich Nietzsche The stare, a self-portrait. This image started as a simple exercise to test my old Vivitar 283 flash. My goal…… Continue reading Abyss
Voyeur – A Self-Portrait
“You’re either going to walk through life and experience it fully or you’re going to be a voyeur.” -Nicole Kidman Self-portrait shot through the frosted glass of our back door. This turned out to be a lot more creepy than I intended. But I’m happy with that. 😉 Day 131 of my 365 photo a…… Continue reading Voyeur – A Self-Portrait
Dark Forest
“The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness.” –Vladimir Nabokov A foggy December day creates a dark and moody scene in Riverside Park, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Day 77 of 365
Top of the Stairs
“And when it’s twelve a clock We climb the stair We never knock ‘Cause nobody’s there Just me and my shadow All alone and feeling blue” –from the song “Me and My Shadow” by Al Jolson, Billy Rose, and Dave Dreyer The back stairs of our two-flat just before dusk. When it gets dark, these…… Continue reading Top of the Stairs
Camera Obscura
I’ve been fascinated with pinhole (camera obscura) photography since I built my first pinhole camera out of an oatmeal container way back in high school. (For those of you keeping score, that was over 30 years ago.) There is something amazing about how such a tiny pinhole can capture such cool imagery. What is more…… Continue reading Camera Obscura
Twisted Stump
To me, the tops of pumpkins have always looked like the stumps of large twisted and gnarled trees, long ago removed by the village axman. And that just adds to the scary and creepy aspect of a well-carved jack-o-lantern at Halloween. With this shot, I wanted to capture that “tree stump” aspect of the autumn…… Continue reading Twisted Stump
“The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.” –W.C. Fields Insomnia rears its ugly head to me from time to time. It certainly makes getting through the day a challenge, especially when I am out of coffee! But I have a way of dealing with it. This is me saying to that…… Continue reading Insomnia