“The human body has two ends on it: one to create with and one to sit on. Sometimes people get their ends reversed. When this happens they need a kick in the seat of the pants.” –Theodore Roosevelt A place to sit. The Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee Wisconsin. Looking for art for your home or…… Continue reading A Place to Sit 2
Tag: reflection
Mirror Lake
I spent this past weekend camping in Mirror Lake State Park near Lake Delton, Wisconsin. The leaves are changing but probably a week or two away from peak autumn color. However, we had perfect fall weather with temperatures in the mid 50s during the day and dipping down into the mid 30s at night. Great camping…… Continue reading Mirror Lake
Waiting for the River
“He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic waiting for the river to run out before he crosses.” –Horace I am often guilty of standing by while the world spins around. Minor things become important while the essentials are forgotten or relegated to the bottom of the to-do lists. However, time…… Continue reading Waiting for the River
Me and My Shadow
Reflection, meet shadow. Here is another shot of my son from the Milwaukee Art Museum this Labor Day weekend. Up on the third floor of the new wing, there are these great big windows overlooking the lake and the rest of the museum. One of his favorite places there, he loves to look out the…… Continue reading Me and My Shadow
The Switch
“People are so busy dreaming the American Dream, fantasizing about what they could be or have a right to be, that they’re all asleep at the switch.” –Florence King The only chance you have to ever get what you want, what you dream about, is to do something, anything. Because just thinking about it will get…… Continue reading The Switch
Eternally Spinning
“To believe in luck, you must believe that the universe is a roulette wheel and that instead of paying out to us what we have earned, it pays out only what it wishes. But it is not a spinning wheel of chance, it is a work of art, complete and framed by eternity.” –from “Innocence”…… Continue reading Eternally Spinning
Bubble Wrap Abstract
Ah, bubble wrap. I’ve got a ton of it sitting around the office, in the basement, and the garage. It’s great for packaging prints and such, and certainly hours of popping fun for my son (and me). My goal today was simple – to capture an abstract yet somewhat recognizable photograph of the plastic stuff.…… Continue reading Bubble Wrap Abstract
Orange Against Green
Outside of the water droplets on the edge of this lily, it was the contrast of the orange against green that first caught my eye. Now as I have said before, it can be difficult to shoot macro hand-held and get the focus where you want it. And with this flower, I was close but did…… Continue reading Orange Against Green
Bright Ideas
The bright ideas have, for the most part, flowed freely during this 365 project. Well, that fount of creative concepts dried up today. Oh sure, I shot a few things. I even went back through some older shots seeing if anything would jump out at me, saying “Yes, this is your image of the day!” But…… Continue reading Bright Ideas
National Camera Day
Today is National Camera Day – a day we commemorate the photograph, the camera, and their inventions. While I couldn’t find any history on the origin of the “holiday”, Nicephore Niépce is credited with creating the first successful photograph in 1826/1827 on or about this time of year. So perhaps that is why it is today. Either way,…… Continue reading National Camera Day
Windhover Hall
If you ask someone in Milwaukee how to get to Windhover Hall you may get some blank looks. If you ask how to get to the art museum or perhaps “that cool building with the wings”, they’ll know exactly how to direct you. While the proper name of the building escapes most people – the…… Continue reading Windhover Hall
The Chicago Skyline
The Chicago Skyline from the Adler Planetarium. Since I am spending this day shooting with friends in Chicago, I thought I’d share an image I took the last time was there last August. I was there for the Trey Ratcliff Tour Across the USA photo walk along with a couple hundred of my closest friends.…… Continue reading The Chicago Skyline