Electric Guitar

A close up of my 1985 Ibanez Roadstar II electric guitar. An instrument, I hate to say, not played much since the late 80s. I had all of the dreams a normal teenager has about joining a band, playing to packed houses, traveling the world, attending all of the best parties, getting all the chicks,…… Continue reading Electric Guitar

Building Blocks

Building Blocks

“I think LEGOs are one of the best toys ever developed.” –Adam Savage Three white plastic toy building blocks on a white background. Day 129 of 365  

Minimalist Kick: Cyanotype on White

Sky Blue on White

I’ve been on a real minimalist kick in my art as of late.  You can certainly see that in my recent photographs in the 365 Project.  And lately, I’m actually finding it quite difficult to find and shoot compelling images of landscapes or cityscapes/architecture. So what is up?  I’ve never considered myself to be a…… Continue reading Minimalist Kick: Cyanotype on White

Coffee on a Wooden Tray

Coffee on a Wooden Tray

I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.” — T.S. Eliot I must admit, this is not my normal morning ritual.  But the sunlight through the kitchen window was just begging to illuminate a photograph.  So I grabbed what I had in hand – my morning java with the teaspoon still inside and this round wooden tray still on…… Continue reading Coffee on a Wooden Tray

Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

“Ideas pull the trigger, but instinct loads the gun” –Don Marquis My take on the smoking gun.  This is a composite of two shots – the Browning 9mm pistol and the smoke. Day 126 of my 365 photo a day project. If you are looking for art for your home or office or something to…… Continue reading Smoking Gun

Six Strings

Six Strings

One of the main reasons for undertaking this 365 Project was to force myself to think outside of the box but also to create images quickly. After all, each shot, like Six Strings, would be shot, processed, and uploaded in a day.  For today, I wanted a shot of my electric guitar (which is just…… Continue reading Six Strings

Give Thanks for the Light

Give Thanks for the Light

“When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.” -Tecumseh Sunlight streams through a small dried Incrediball Hydrangea bloom set in front of…… Continue reading Give Thanks for the Light

Day 123 – Binary

Day 123 - Binary

“There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.” — Unknown I think the message says it all!  😉 Day 123 of 365.

Color and Smoke III – Dance

Color and Smoke III

“I’d rather learn from one bird how to sing than to teach ten thousand stars how not to dance” — e.e. cummings The third in a series, this is two different photographs combined into one image.  I love how the two seem to be embracing, as if dancing.   As before, the smoke was shot…… Continue reading Color and Smoke III – Dance

Color and Smoke II – RGB Triptych

“There may be a great fire in our soul, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke.” -Vincent van Gogh As promised, here is more smoke!  The three images were shot and processed individually and then combined into the triptych here.  I’ve combined them…… Continue reading Color and Smoke II – RGB Triptych

Color and Smoke I

Color and Smoke I

“Our world is a magical smoke screen.” –Catherine E. Coulson as The Log Lady, Twin Peaks One of the keys to becoming a better, more accomplished artist, is to explore new things, new techniques, new processes.  Through playing, much like a child, we learn and grow.  Many of the new and crazy things we try…… Continue reading Color and Smoke I

Chucks on a Wire

Chucks on a Wire

A pair of Converse Chuck Taylor (Chucks) athletic sneakers hanging from a power line over a street on the East Side of Milwaukee. My goal was to capture something outdoors and different than what I have done the last few days.  Cue Monty Python, “And now for something completely different!”  In framing this photograph, I…… Continue reading Chucks on a Wire