Doubled Arches

Doubled Arches

These futuristic arches line a hallway in the Milwaukee Art Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Now, in reality, it is just one hall, not two. I mirrored the image to create the pair of arched hallways. You may ask why I decided to mirror the shot.  The architecture of this building, especially the interior spaces, is reminiscent of sets…… Continue reading Doubled Arches

Windhover Hall

Windhover Hall at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Day 260 of my 365 photo a day project. Copyright 2016 Scott Norris Photography

If you ask someone in Milwaukee how to get to Windhover Hall you may get some blank looks.  If you ask how to get to the art museum or perhaps “that cool building with the wings”, they’ll know exactly how to direct you.  While the proper name of the building escapes most people – the…… Continue reading Windhover Hall

The Windy City

The Windy City

What a day in the Windy City!  After well over 10 miles of walking, photographing everything along the way, a couple of great meals, a few tasty beverages, and lots of sunburns and blisters, we ended our day sitting on the breakwater near the Adler Planetarium watching the sun go down behind the city of Chicago.  …… Continue reading The Windy City

The Chicago Skyline

Chicago at Sunset

The Chicago Skyline from the Adler Planetarium.  Since I am spending this day shooting with friends in Chicago, I thought I’d share an image I took the last time was there last August.  I was there for the Trey Ratcliff Tour Across the USA photo walk along with a couple hundred of my closest friends.…… Continue reading The Chicago Skyline

The Chicago Elevated

The Elevated II

It has been a couple of years since I’ve taken a ride on the Chicago Elevated.  And a bit longer than that since I took this photo. (July, 2011)  But tomorrow I will be back in old Chi-Town to meet some great friends and spend the entire day shooting the city.  It is interesting that…… Continue reading The Chicago Elevated

The Way Out

The Way Out

“The best way out is always through.” –Robert Frost An important lesson I’ve learned through this photo a day project is when you are struggling to create and your muse has taken the day (or week) off, the best way to get past that block is to just keep going.  You may not produce your…… Continue reading The Way Out

First Steps Toward

First Steps Toward

“Order and simplification are the first steps toward the mastery of a subject.” –Thomas Mann I went on a long walk today from my home on the East Side to downtown Milwaukee.  All told, it was about 7 miles.  I photographed many buildings, some flowers, a fire station, the river, the interior of city hall,…… Continue reading First Steps Toward

A Place to Sit

A Place to Sit

“Never be afraid to sit a while and think.” –Lorraine Hansberry I found this little bench along a trail near Riverside Park on a bluff overlooking the Milwaukee River.  I loved the way the trail split to go both ways around the bench and the small cluster of trees behind.  That, combined with the soft…… Continue reading A Place to Sit

Death Valley 1990

Death Valley 1990

I can’t believe it has been almost exactly 26 years since I was in Death Valley National Park.  I was going back through some (very old) images, relatively low quality scans of 5×7 color prints, and found this image of some sand dunes shot in June of 1990.  I was out there on a three…… Continue reading Death Valley 1990

Frowning Alien Head

Frowning Alien Head

There is at least one alien from outer space among us here on Earth.  He can be found living in an back alley in the East Side neighborhood of Milwaukee.  While he doesn’t seem to be dangerous, he does seem to be in a foul mood as evidenced by his perpetual frown.  Why is he sad or…… Continue reading Frowning Alien Head

The Keystone Capri K28 8mm Camera

Keystone Capri K28

The Keystone Capri K28 8mm camera.  Oh, what wonderful things it has seen – riding a Harley in the 1950s, time with the grandparents, parents, and kids, skiing in Colorado, boat racing in Texas, the arrival of a President in Houston,  Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, relaxing times with family at the pool or along…… Continue reading The Keystone Capri K28 8mm Camera

Line on the Horizon

Line on the Horizon

“The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.”  –Christopher McCandless A line on the horizon in a field of whites and greys where sky meets water.  This is Lake…… Continue reading Line on the Horizon