The Arch on the Edge of Forever

The Arch on the Edge of Forever

Everytime I walk through this arch in the park near our home on Milwaukee’s East Side, I think of an old TV show.  And some of you may have guessed which one just from the title of this blog post.  (Geeks.)  The entrance to the Rotary Centennial Arboretum is quite magical, especially for being in the middle…… Continue reading The Arch on the Edge of Forever

The Frame

The Frame

“Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet.” –Victor Hugo Day 343 of my 365 photo a day project. The inspiration for this image comes from the abstract expressionist painter Agnes Martin.   Works of art by painters, writers, and musicians often serve as idea factories for me.…… Continue reading The Frame

Missing Muse and the Watering Can

Missing Muse and the Watering Can

I am spent.  I worked practically all night on a project and got very little rest.  Hence, I’m rushing around tonight to find something to shoot.  And my inspiration, my muse, is still on vacation.   So what you get is a quick macro abstact shot of a miniture watering can. Now that I think about it, this image…… Continue reading Missing Muse and the Watering Can

Me and My Shadow

Me and My Shadow

Reflection, meet shadow.   Here is another shot of my son from the Milwaukee Art Museum this Labor Day weekend.   Up on the third floor of the new wing, there are these great big windows overlooking the lake and the rest of the museum.  One of his favorite places there, he loves to look out the…… Continue reading Me and My Shadow

Superman and the Big Hill

Superman and the Big Hill

To get to the best picnic spot in the park, little superman decided to walk up the big hill instead of fly.   Of course, he also decided to roll down. Of all the shots I took over the Labor Day weekend, this is one of my favorites.  My son, in his superman sweatshirt with…… Continue reading Superman and the Big Hill

Milwaukee Art Museum

Milwaukee Art Museum September

I spent part of Saturday at the fabulous Milwaukee Art Museum with my son.   While most of our time was spend going and up and down (and up and down) stairs and looking out the windows at the spider webs and the lake, I did have a few moments to take in some of…… Continue reading Milwaukee Art Museum

Four Small Containers of Paint

Four Small Containers of Paint Copyright 2016 Scott Norris Photography

These small containers of washable paint belong to my son.  I noticed the complementary colors when I was cleaning his painting supplies and I thought, ‘I have to shoot those!’  Of course, I dropped everything and took the plastic buckets to my camera stand.  Priorities, you know… To make the saturated colors really stand out in the…… Continue reading Four Small Containers of Paint

Our Little Cookie Monster

Our Little Cookie Monster

This is our beautiful little cookie monster.  As I start the countdown of the last 30 days of my 365 project, I want to revisit some themes from the past year.  Of course, my son has been a big part of the challenge.  His imagination, the way he sees the world, and his joy in discovering…everything,  has…… Continue reading Our Little Cookie Monster

Half My Marbles

Half My Marbles

I’ve lost half my marbles. (Only half?) Because I’m going crazy trying to come up with new ideas for this project.  However, the end is near.  In just 30 days, I will finish the 365 photo a day project.  So I will push through and endeavor to create 30 more photographs in the next month.  …… Continue reading Half My Marbles

Contemplating Impermanence

Contemplating Impermanence

“By contemplating the impermanence of everything in the world, we are forced to recognize that every time we do something could be the last time we do it, and this recognition can invest the things we do with a significance and intensity that would otherwise be absent. We will no longer sleepwalk through our life.”…… Continue reading Contemplating Impermanence

The Switch

The Switch

“People are so busy dreaming the American Dream, fantasizing about what they could be or have a right to be, that they’re all asleep at the switch.” –Florence King The only chance you have to ever get what you want, what you dream about, is to do something, anything.  Because just thinking about it will get…… Continue reading The Switch

Eternally Spinning

Eternally Spinning

“To believe in luck, you must believe that the universe is a roulette wheel and that instead of paying out to us what we have earned, it pays out only what it wishes. But it is not a spinning wheel of chance, it is a work of art, complete and framed by eternity.” –from “Innocence”…… Continue reading Eternally Spinning