Clear Line of Sight

Line of Sight

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” –Jonathan Swift A clear line of sight all the way to the horizon.  Since I’m in the homestretch in my photo a day project and starting a new month, I thought I’d revisit the minimalist theme here (huh, did I ever leave it?) but…… Continue reading Clear Line of Sight

A Show of Hands

A Show of Hands: Day 197

Ok, a show of hands: who thought I would actually get this far in my photo a day project? Anyone? Well, my hand is half raised. I’ve had my doubts that I would finish many times during the journey. Of course, there is a long way to go, but I’m committed!  Only 168 days to…… Continue reading A Show of Hands

The All-American Burger

All-American Burger

The All-American burger.  A fresh bun. Juicy 100% beef. Look closer. It’s made of plastic.  And just so you know, this is not intended as commentary about the state of the fast food industry.  Although, I’ll admit, it’s not far off from the way I feel about it.  But that is for someone else’s blog. This one is about…… Continue reading The All-American Burger

Lamp-Lite Motel

Lamp Lite Motel

This is the Lamp-Lite Motel (or at least the sign) along US 51 in Portage, Wisconsin.   Now, I have to say up front, I’ve done just a wee bit of work on this one (see below).  Taken in June of last year and finally processed today, I was driving toward Baraboo looking for a particular…… Continue reading Lamp-Lite Motel

Learning to Hop

Learning to Hop

My son is learning to jump and hop now.  I wanted to capture this moment in a photo so I took three shots of him in action and then combined them into one image.  The vintage polaroid/1970 photomat-look was added just because watching him grow up reminds my of my own childhood was back in the….well,…… Continue reading Learning to Hop