Everybody’s gone cell phone crazy! Whether trying to catch imaginary creatures while ambulatory or blasting mad feathered fowl toward sinister swine, everyone has their head buried in their phone. While I’ll admit I have not been enticed to go outside looking for cartoon characters, I do play a fair amount of games. And I do spend quite a bit…… Continue reading Cell Phone Crazy
Tag: palm
I Voted Today
I voted today in the Wisconsin 2016 presidential primary. Who I cast my vote for is between me, my family, and the ballot. The important part is that I did it. It is a right and a civic duty that many take for granted – there are people all over the world that yearn for the opportunity…… Continue reading I Voted Today
A Bird in the Hand
This is my take on the old saying “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” Which, to me, means it is better to see and appreciate what you have rather than think about and worry about what you do not. Shot with my son’s wooden blue-feathered bird friend in the palm of…… Continue reading A Bird in the Hand
Right or Left Hands?
Is this two different hands? Or are the both the same? Do you see left hands or right hands? This is my commentary on the state of our political system here in the United States. The two main political parties, at least on the national level, for the most part, are the same. In general,…… Continue reading Right or Left Hands?
Framed by Hands
Self-portrait – framed by my hands. This is not a dance move – I am not “vogue-ing”. I actually do this on occasion to visualize a shot if I don’t have a camera to look through. Think of it as a poor man’s camera obscura. Day 113 of my 365 photo a day project. If you…… Continue reading Framed by Hands
Hands Drawing Hands
Today, while staring at a blank sheet of paper on my desk, trying to write out a to-do list and thoughts about future photo shoots, I had the idea of trying to create something reminiscent of M.C. Escher’s work, “Drawing Hands”. So much for the lists! It was a very simple setup. Actually, it wasn’t…… Continue reading Hands Drawing Hands