10 Years Today

10 Years Today

10 years ago today, I married the love of my life.  She is beautiful, crazy, loving, strong-willed, creative, quirky, kind-hearted, and smart.   In that time, we were married, bought a condo, traveled abroad and camped locally, made great friends, lost loved ones, moved, started a dream business.  We had a son!!  The most beautiful little…… Continue reading 10 Years Today

The Crazy Photographer at Work

The Crazy Photographer at Work

This shot involves one camera, one tripod, a cell phone light, one set of extension tubes, two lenses and one crazy photographer (me).   In between 3D animation jobs and a quick trip out to the in-laws, I set my Nikon D700 with my 50mm 1.8 and extension tubes up on my tripod.  The subject…… Continue reading The Crazy Photographer at Work

Kilroy Was Here

Kilroy Was Here

My son looking over a wall while playing in the kid’s section of the Milwaukee Public Library in downtown Milwaukee. It’s his way of saying. “Kilroy was here!” I thought the color in the original shot was distracting, or a least did not add much to the overall mood of the shot, so I removed…… Continue reading Kilroy Was Here

A Collection of Old Nikon Gear

Old Nikons

“The creative act lasts but a brief moment, a lightning instant of give-and-take, just long enough for you to level the camera and to trap the fleeting prey in your little box.” –Henri Cartier-Bresson This is most of my collection of Nikon camera gear with the exception of my D700 and 50mm 1.8 lens, used…… Continue reading A Collection of Old Nikon Gear

Right or Left Hands?

Is this two different hands? Or are the both the same? Do you see left hands or right hands? This is my commentary on the state of our political system here in the United States. The two main political parties, at least on the national level, for the most part, are the same. In general,…… Continue reading Right or Left Hands?

Two Wild and Crazy Guys

This is what a tired son with a cold and a tired Dad (both with very little sleep) do when left to their own devices.  Two wild and crazy guys – with apologies to Steve Martin and Dan Aykroyd. Shot with my Droid cell phone. Day 133 of my 365 photo a day project. If…… Continue reading Two Wild and Crazy Guys

Day 123 – Binary

Day 123 - Binary

“There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.” — Unknown I think the message says it all!  😉 Day 123 of 365.

Warp Speed

Warp speed

A shot of my son as he was running circles around the house, screaming and laughing.  Warp speed ahead! He certainly keeps me and my wife on our toes.  And in shape from chasing him in circles! Day 112 of my 365 photo a day project. If you are looking for art for your home…… Continue reading Warp Speed

Smiling Block Bins

Smiling Block Bins

The smiling block bins.  All lined up nicely, content, full, happy.  Take a good look.  In our house, with a toddler running around, this is a very rare occurrence.  I had to document that it actually does happen on occasion. Day 110 of 365.

Day 105 – Post It Note

Day 105 - Post It Note

Yeah, I had a lot of trouble finding something to shoot today.  So I thought, why not capture that?  I pinned a Post-It Note on my office bulletin board and shot it with my 50mm at f2.2 and 1/50 second exposure.  Then a simple crop,  black and white conversion, and spot & dust removal in Photoshop and…… Continue reading Day 105 – Post It Note