The colors of fall are beginning to fade and soon enough the air will chill and the snow will fall. But that also means that the holiday season is upon us. We will spend time with family and friends, give thanks, feast, trim trees, light candles, celebrate miracles and be of good cheer. We…… Continue reading The Colors of Fall
Tag: nature
Dry Leaf on Wood
A dry leaf sits on a park bench in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin. The colors are just about past peak now around here, but the beauty of Autumn is still all around. Soon enough, the trick or treaters will be at our door, daylight savings time will end, and Jack Frost will nip at our noises.…… Continue reading Dry Leaf on Wood
Three Oak Leaves
Now that October is upon us, the leaves have started changing colors. I found these three Oak leaves along a walkway in Riverside Park near my home. While most of the leaves are still green in the area, you can see a hint of color hear and there. Soon enough the parks, woods, and forests…… Continue reading Three Oak Leaves
A Hint of Autumn
“By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer’s best of weather And autumn’s best of cheer.” –Helen Hunt Jackson I found a small hint of autumn on the sidewalk today. Yes, the calendar says it is fall, but at least here in Milwaukee, the trees are still thinking summer. But soon enough,…… Continue reading A Hint of Autumn
Down Feather
Another reoccurring subject in my 365 Project is feathers. This tiny down feather is the latest image in that theme. Only about an inch long, it’s amazing that a collection of these can power flight. Day 352 of my 365 photo a day project. Looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop? This image and most…… Continue reading Down Feather
Storm Clouds over Sheboygan
After a night of pretty intense lightning and thunder, the storm clouds final began clearing the next morning over Sheboygan. And I can say for certain they were intense. We spent that long night in a camping tent in a state park along the lake south of the city. Nothing makes you understand how thin the walls…… Continue reading Storm Clouds over Sheboygan
Water Flower
It’s amazing how beautiful a single flower floating in a water filled glass bowl can be. I found this blossom on a cafe table in one of our local markets. I quickly stopped to take the shot and went on with my shopping. It was only when I got back home that I realized I…… Continue reading Water Flower
Black Leaves
I don’t have much to say about this image other than I love the texture on the leaves. As I’ve said before, any type of leaf fascinates me. This particular tree is growing in my in-laws backyard and I’ve had multiple opportunities to capture something. Yet the “keeper” photo has always eluded me. My…… Continue reading Black Leaves
Smallest Leaf
“Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain.” –Henry David Thoreau I am fascinated by decaying leaves. Like little leaf shaped skeletons, I still find them here and there, even in the dog days of summer. Perhaps…… Continue reading Smallest Leaf
Orange Against Green
Outside of the water droplets on the edge of this lily, it was the contrast of the orange against green that first caught my eye. Now as I have said before, it can be difficult to shoot macro hand-held and get the focus where you want it. And with this flower, I was close but did…… Continue reading Orange Against Green
Always vigilant, a tiny solitary Seuss-like tree stands alone in a vast never-ending grey. Although isolated, it is not joyless. For it knows its purpose – to add form and shape to the eternal void. And so it abides. “The soul which has no fixed purpose in life is lost; to be everywhere, is to be nowhere.” …… Continue reading Solitary
“Something aches at the very core of me, something ancient and deep and stronger than words: the filament that joins each of us to the root of existence, that ancient thing unfurling and resisting and grappling, desperately, for a foothold, a way to stay here, breathe, keep going.” –Lauren Oliver, Delirium Those bonds, the filaments,…… Continue reading Filament