When you take the time to really look at something, even a single blade of grass, it becomes something mysterious and awesome. Taken on a walk in a local park, I was struck by the simple charm of this patch of wild grasses. And it’s something I pass by all the time yet have never really noticed until…… Continue reading Soft Grass
Tag: mysterious
The Way Out
“The best way out is always through.” –Robert Frost An important lesson I’ve learned through this photo a day project is when you are struggling to create and your muse has taken the day (or week) off, the best way to get past that block is to just keep going. You may not produce your…… Continue reading The Way Out
Tree in the Fog 2 – Behind the Scenes
I’ve been asked time and again about my process of creating the photographs I display. Each shot is different and so the process is different for each photo. Here is a brief look behind the scenes. Sometimes I’ll adjust the contrast, saturation, and exposure and voila!, a finished image. Sometimes, I’ll work on an image for…… Continue reading Tree in the Fog 2 – Behind the Scenes
Exhibition Opening, Forward 2014: A Survey of Wisconsin Art Now
Join us at the exhibition opening which features one of Scott’s photographs, “A Tree in the Fog 2.” Every two years, the Charles Allis Art Museum hosts Forward: A Survey of Wisconsin Art Now, a juried exhibition showcasing the work of Wisconsin artists. Laurie Winters, Executive Director, CEO of the Museum of Wisconsin Art is…… Continue reading Exhibition Opening, Forward 2014: A Survey of Wisconsin Art Now