Early Morning Coffee

Early Morning Coffee

There is nothing quite like an early morning coffee brewed over a campfire.  Whether or not the coffee actually tastes good is irrelevant.   There is something wonderful about waking up with the sun, crawling out of the tent, starting a fire, and brewing a nice steaming cup o’ joe. Then you can just sit back…… Continue reading Early Morning Coffee

A Tall Cold Beer

A Tall Cold Beer

It’s summertime.  A time to be with friends and family, enjoy a cold beer or soda, and talk about life and everything.  And with everything going on in the world these days, we need to do a lot more of that.  We need to talk more, be with each other more, and get out from…… Continue reading A Tall Cold Beer

Coffee on a Wooden Tray

Coffee on a Wooden Tray

I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.” — T.S. Eliot I must admit, this is not my normal morning ritual.  But the sunlight through the kitchen window was just begging to illuminate a photograph.  So I grabbed what I had in hand – my morning java with the teaspoon still inside and this round wooden tray still on…… Continue reading Coffee on a Wooden Tray