Eternally Spinning

Eternally Spinning

“To believe in luck, you must believe that the universe is a roulette wheel and that instead of paying out to us what we have earned, it pays out only what it wishes. But it is not a spinning wheel of chance, it is a work of art, complete and framed by eternity.” –from “Innocence”… Continue reading Eternally Spinning



“Something aches at the very core of me, something ancient and deep and stronger than words: the filament that joins each of us to the root of existence, that ancient thing unfurling and resisting and grappling, desperately, for a foothold, a way to stay here, breathe, keep going.” –Lauren Oliver, Delirium

A Night at the Carnival

A Night at the Carnival

We spent a day and a night at the carnival.  And even at 48 years old, I feel like a kid, wide-eyed and excited about the rides, the food, the sights, sounds, and smells.

Color and Smoke III – Dance

Color and Smoke III

“I’d rather learn from one bird how to sing than to teach ten thousand stars how not to dance” — e.e. cummings The third in a series, this is two different photographs combined into one image.