Twisted Stump

Twisted Stump

To me, the tops of pumpkins have always looked like the stumps of large twisted and gnarled trees, long ago removed by the village axman.  And that just adds to the scary and creepy aspect of a well-carved jack-o-lantern at Halloween.  With this shot, I wanted to capture that “tree stump” aspect of the autumn…… Continue reading Twisted Stump

Hangin’ On

Hangin On

My advice is to keep hangin’ on when your heart has had enough and give more when you feel like giving up. This is a very old clothesline strung in our apartment basement.  Probably hasn’t been used in a very long time. Day 23 of my 365 photo a day project. If you are looking for art for…… Continue reading Hangin’ On

Always Watching

Always Watching

“Let every eye negotiate for itself and trust no agent.” –William Shakespeare I’m always watching, seeing, and learning.  Always. Day 21 of my 365 photo a day project. If you are looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop, this image and most of the others from this…… Continue reading Always Watching

Fallen Leaf

Fallen Leaf

“October is the fallen leaf, but it is also a wider horizon more clearly seen.  It is the distant hills once more in sight, and the enduring constellations above them once again.” –Hal Borland I shot this single maple leaf where it fell on an outdoor table in our backyard on a nice warm late…… Continue reading Fallen Leaf



“You will not be carried to Heaven lying at ease upon a feather bed.” –Samuel Rutherford This image started as macro shot of a tiny feather on a plain white background.  It is amazing how something so small and insignificant can be so powerful.  Powerful enough, in sufficient numbers, to give a creature the ability…… Continue reading Feather

Tree in the Fog 2 – Behind the Scenes

A Tree in the Fog 2 Behind the Scenes

I’ve been asked time and again about my process of creating the photographs I display.  Each shot is different and so the process is different for each photo. Here is a brief look behind the scenes.  Sometimes I’ll adjust the contrast, saturation, and exposure and voila!, a finished image.  Sometimes, I’ll work on an image for…… Continue reading Tree in the Fog 2 – Behind the Scenes

Exhibition Opening, Forward 2014: A Survey of Wisconsin Art Now

A Tree in the Fog 2

Join us at the exhibition opening which features one of Scott’s photographs, “A Tree in the Fog 2.” Every two years, the Charles Allis Art Museum hosts Forward: A Survey of Wisconsin Art Now, a juried exhibition showcasing the work of Wisconsin artists. Laurie Winters, Executive Director, CEO of the Museum of Wisconsin Art is…… Continue reading Exhibition Opening, Forward 2014: A Survey of Wisconsin Art Now