“I’d rather learn from one bird how to sing than to teach ten thousand stars how not to dance” — e.e. cummings The third in a series, this is two different photographs combined into one image. I love how the two seem to be embracing, as if dancing. As before, the smoke was shot…… Continue reading Color and Smoke III – Dance
Tag: minimalist
Color and Smoke II – RGB Triptych
“There may be a great fire in our soul, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke.” -Vincent van Gogh As promised, here is more smoke! The three images were shot and processed individually and then combined into the triptych here. I’ve combined them…… Continue reading Color and Smoke II – RGB Triptych
Chucks on a Wire
A pair of Converse Chuck Taylor (Chucks) athletic sneakers hanging from a power line over a street on the East Side of Milwaukee. My goal was to capture something outdoors and different than what I have done the last few days. Cue Monty Python, “And now for something completely different!” In framing this photograph, I…… Continue reading Chucks on a Wire
One of the things that makes a good photograph is simplicity. Think about what you are trying to create – what is your goal, what are you trying to say, what is the subject – and then remove/minimize all other distractions, either in camera or in processing. Reduce, streamline, boil down. Make it as visually…… Continue reading Intersection
Holding On
“Don’t rush me just this once I want to make this moment last Slow down the pace, there’s no hurry I can’t let another pass me by again Let me be the one to say when I’ve had enough” –from the song “Hold On” by Santana This last little leaf was one of only a…… Continue reading Holding On