Eternally Spinning

Eternally Spinning

“To believe in luck, you must believe that the universe is a roulette wheel and that instead of paying out to us what we have earned, it pays out only what it wishes. But it is not a spinning wheel of chance, it is a work of art, complete and framed by eternity.” –from “Innocence”…… Continue reading Eternally Spinning

Storm Clouds over Sheboygan

Storm Clouds over Sheboygan

After a night of pretty intense lightning and thunder, the storm clouds final began clearing the next morning over Sheboygan.  And I can say for certain they were intense.  We spent that long night in a camping tent in a state park along the lake south of the city.  Nothing makes you understand how thin the walls…… Continue reading Storm Clouds over Sheboygan

Black Leaves

Black Leaves

I don’t have much to say about this image other than I love the texture on the leaves.   As I’ve said before, any type of leaf fascinates me.  This particular tree is growing in my in-laws backyard and I’ve had multiple opportunities to capture something.  Yet the “keeper” photo has always eluded me.  My…… Continue reading Black Leaves

Smallest Leaf

Smallest Leaf

“Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain.” –Henry David Thoreau I am fascinated by decaying leaves.  Like little leaf shaped skeletons, I still find them here and there, even in the dog days of summer.  Perhaps…… Continue reading Smallest Leaf

Clear Line of Sight

Line of Sight

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” –Jonathan Swift A clear line of sight all the way to the horizon.  Since I’m in the homestretch in my photo a day project and starting a new month, I thought I’d revisit the minimalist theme here (huh, did I ever leave it?) but…… Continue reading Clear Line of Sight

Orange Against Green

Orange Against Green

Outside of the water droplets on the edge of this lily,  it was the contrast of the orange against green that first caught my eye.  Now as I have said before, it can be difficult to shoot macro hand-held and get the focus where you want it.  And with this flower, I was close but did…… Continue reading Orange Against Green



“Something aches at the very core of me, something ancient and deep and stronger than words: the filament that joins each of us to the root of existence, that ancient thing unfurling and resisting and grappling, desperately, for a foothold, a way to stay here, breathe, keep going.” –Lauren Oliver, Delirium Those bonds, the filaments,…… Continue reading Filament

The Questions Worth Asking

The Questions Worth Asking

“The questions worth asking, in other words, come not from other people but from nature, and are for the most part delicate things easily drowned out by the noise of everyday life” –Robert B. Laughlin A tiny, solitary feather floats in the warm glow of the evening light.  These are the moments I live for…… Continue reading The Questions Worth Asking

Miracle of a Single Flower

Miracle of a Single Flower

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.” –Unknown, possibly Buddha For the day after the noise, pomp and circumstance, explosions, pops, bangs, and excitement that is the 4th of July, I wanted to create something simple, beautiful and understated.  What better way than with a single…… Continue reading Miracle of a Single Flower

An Orange Lily

An Orange Lily

This single orange lily is one of many that line our driveway from the garage to the street.  Today, while most were in the shade of the house, this one was off by itself, basking in the glow of the sun. For some reason, I thought of the old Chinese proverb that says if you…… Continue reading An Orange Lily

Paint Me a Blue Sky

Blue Sky

“Paint me a blue sky.  May the colors run true.  That I may look to the Heavens, when I search for the truth.” –Ian Moore , “Blue Sky” from his debut album. I thought with all of the craziness going on in the world today, what everyone needed was a big, bright, happy expanse of sky.…… Continue reading Paint Me a Blue Sky

Leading the Way

Leading the Way

“If you would have your son to walk honourably through the world, you must not attempt to clear the stones from his path, but teach him to walk firmly over them – not insist upon leading him by the hand, but let him learn to go alone.” –Anne Bronte Raising a child is the best thing…… Continue reading Leading the Way