What Are You Listening To?

Music plays a huge role in my creative process. It helps me get out of my head and into my heart. It gives me energy, yet it also calms me. It takes me away from everyday worries while keeping me grounded. And I love so many genres—blues, rock, heavy metal, jazz, electronic, bluegrass, barbershop, and…… Continue reading What Are You Listening To?

Pickup Lines

Pickup Lines

The front pickup of my vintage 1968 Bartell-Hohner Fretless f-hole hollow body bass guitar.  It was designed by former Rickenbacker employee Paul Barth of Bartell of California.  I have to admit that I’ve had this for about 30 years now and have barley played it.  It mostly just sits in its case and collects dust…… Continue reading Pickup Lines

Let There Be Bass

Let There Be Bass

“Let there be bass.” –Leo Fender This is my 1968 Hohner fretless f-hole bass guitar.  I’ve been saying since I bought this from a friend sometime way back in 1985 or so, that I am going to learn to play it well.  I’m still saying that.  But practice makes perfect, right?  Now I guess I…… Continue reading Let There Be Bass