Dizzy Moon

Dizzy Moon

I call this one Dizzy Moon for what may or may not be obvious reasons.  But the title came only as I was finishing up my processing.  In actuality,  I had no real goal in mind when I shot it outside of creating an abstract. Well, that is not entirely true.  I guess I wanted to play…… Continue reading Dizzy Moon

Fierce Calm

Fierce Calm

Long exposures of large fierce waves can produce a surprisingly ethereal and calm image.  The waves you don’t see in this image were around 4-6 feet tall.  Quite tall for Lake Michigan, but what you’d expect after a thunderstorm.  And since this is yet another horizon shot for me, I wanted to do something different with the…… Continue reading Fierce Calm

Clear Line of Sight

Line of Sight

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” –Jonathan Swift A clear line of sight all the way to the horizon.  Since I’m in the homestretch in my photo a day project and starting a new month, I thought I’d revisit the minimalist theme here (huh, did I ever leave it?) but…… Continue reading Clear Line of Sight

Partly Cloudy

Partly Cloudy

The weather was partly cloudy with plenty of sunshine and a comfortable 76 degrees.  Or at least it was in my office today.  And I have pictures to prove it! Of course, you could say it was mostly sunny.  Well, however you want to categorize it, it was a good day. Day 286 of my 365…… Continue reading Partly Cloudy



“This is the truth: as from a fire aflame thousands of sparks come forth, even so from the Creator an infinity of beings have life and to him return again.” –Marcus Tullius Cicero A simple raised line on a piece of white card stock represents the horizon and the infinite beyond. Day 269 of my 365…… Continue reading Infinity

Line on the Horizon

Line on the Horizon

“The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.”  –Christopher McCandless A line on the horizon in a field of whites and greys where sky meets water.  This is Lake…… Continue reading Line on the Horizon



For the artist, the world is limitless. It can be found in the home, on the street outside, in the city surrounding us, in the countryside, and over the far horizon.   It is everywhere we are.  But to truly see this world,  we must first learn to believe in ourselves and our abilities, lead with the heart, and…… Continue reading Limitless

Sunset at Ottawa Lake

Sunset at Ottawa Lake

I went camping at Ottawa Lake this past weekend.  The sky was cloudless on both days and nights I was there which made for some not so stellar photographs during the day and mostly boring sunrises and sunsets.  However, on this particular evening, the colors in the sky just after the sun went down and the…… Continue reading Sunset at Ottawa Lake

Texas Highway

This photo was taken through the windshield of my Dodge, on an isolated Texas highway, somewhere in Big Bend National Park in Texas while driving at about 85 mph. It was in late September of 1997 or 1998 and I propped my Nikon FM2 up on the dash, centered the car on the yellow line…… Continue reading Texas Highway

Spillover II Sculpture – Atwater Park

Spillover II

The Spillover II Sculpture in Atwater Park overlooking a semi-frozen Lake Michigan in Shorewood, Wisconsin.  The sculpture,  installed in 2010, is by Spanish artist Jaume Plensa. Day 111 of 365.

Lake Michigan Minimalist Triptych

Lake Michigan Minimalist Triptych

It was going to happen.  A day within the 365 days of my project where I don’t feel like going out to shoot nor do I feel too creative.  Heck, it’s Monday after the holidays – I don’t feel like creating anything.  But the project is a photo-a-day project, not a photo-on-the-days-I-feel-like-maybe-kinda-sorta-I-might-could-shoot-and-process-something project. So here…… Continue reading Lake Michigan Minimalist Triptych