Aqua Tower

Aqua Tower

The Aqua Tower in downtown Chicago is one of the most unique skyscrapers I’ve ever seen.  Looking up, the facade seems to roll and move like waves because of the irregularly-shaped concrete balconies.  Some of which jut out as much as 12 feet!  The rolling overhangs and proximity to Lake Michigan, is where the building got its name. Day…… Continue reading Aqua Tower

Doubled Arches

Doubled Arches

These futuristic arches line a hallway in the Milwaukee Art Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Now, in reality, it is just one hall, not two. I mirrored the image to create the pair of arched hallways. You may ask why I decided to mirror the shot.  The architecture of this building, especially the interior spaces, is reminiscent of sets…… Continue reading Doubled Arches

Abstract Lines

What is it?

Before I say where this was taken, I’d like to know what you think it is.  What does it look like to you?   Ok, do you have an idea? This was taken at Discovery World on the shore of Lake Michigan in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Oh, I’m not going to tell you what these…… Continue reading Abstract Lines