

“Everything is nothing with a twist.” –Kurt Vonnegut Nothing.  I walked for a couple of hours, camera in hand, and shot nothing worth processing  – much less sharing with the world.  Blah.  Time to go home.  Then on the way back, along the side of the street, I saw this twisty little vine holding on…… Continue reading Twisted



“The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web.” -Pablo Picasso A study of shape, line, texture, and tone. Shot with my cell phone and processed in Photoshop. Day 35 of…… Continue reading Passageway

Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura

I’ve been fascinated with pinhole (camera obscura) photography since I built my first pinhole camera out of an oatmeal container way back in high school.  (For those of you keeping score, that was over 30 years ago.)  There is something amazing about how such a tiny pinhole can capture such cool imagery.  What is more…… Continue reading Camera Obscura

One Leaf, Two Leaf

One Leaf Two Leaf

I found this pair of leaves on a rain soaked park bench exactly this way – laying on one other in relative symmetry.  While I did a lot of post-processing, Mother Nature certainly did quite a bit of the set up for me.  I only had to slow down and look around to see it.…… Continue reading One Leaf, Two Leaf

The Last Flowers of Autumn

The Last Flowers of Autumn

“I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.” –Anne Frank Some of the last flowers of autumn cling to life as the death of the season falls around them. Shot on a walk through Riverside Park on the East Side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Day 30 of my 365 photo a day…… Continue reading The Last Flowers of Autumn

Always Watching

Always Watching

“Let every eye negotiate for itself and trust no agent.” –William Shakespeare I’m always watching, seeing, and learning.  Always. Day 21 of my 365 photo a day project. If you are looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop, this image and most of the others from this…… Continue reading Always Watching

Take the Stairs


“The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps – we must step up the stairs.” –Vance Havner A stairway in the historic Marshall Building, Third Ward, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Day 13 of my 365 photo a day project. If you are looking for art for your home…… Continue reading Take the Stairs


Afternoon Bath

There are days – many days actually – as an artist where I can’t seem to find the inspiration to create and everything seems quite ordinary.  It could be the weather, it could be lack of sleep (although that is almost a constant), it could be any number of things.  Whatever the reason, the camera stays…… Continue reading (Extra)Ordinary

Texas A&M University Century Oak

The Century Oak

I was born and raised in Texas and spent 12 years of my life in College Station, Texas.  I consider it my hometown even though I was born in Baytown.  I went to high school (A&M Consolidated Tigers) and college there.  I miss the town, the campus of Texas A&M, and certainly the people -…… Continue reading Texas A&M University Century Oak

Lost and Alone

Lost and Alone

I often wonder what stories these old abandoned homes could tell.   This particular home we found on a country road between Montello and Princeton, Wisconsin.  I saw it and immediately had to pull over, grab my camera and tripod and set up to take the shot.    For some reason, an old John Denver…… Continue reading Lost and Alone

Scott Norris Photography at the Waxwing

Smoky Vintage Microphone

The Waxwing celebrates 2nd anniversary on Friday, March 14th, 2014.  The artist consignment shop in Milwaukee will celebrate two years in business with a special art opening and anniversary party. February 24th — Milwaukee, WI  A love for our city and the aspiration to support local artists are the cornerstones on which The Waxwing was…… Continue reading Scott Norris Photography at the Waxwing