Right or Left Hands?

Is this two different hands? Or are the both the same? Do you see left hands or right hands? This is my commentary on the state of our political system here in the United States. The two main political parties, at least on the national level, for the most part, are the same. In general,…… Continue reading Right or Left Hands?

The Eye in the Sky

“I am the eye in the sky Looking at you I can read your mind I am the maker of rules Dealing with fools I can cheat you blind And I don’t need to see anymore To know that I can read your mind” –from the song Eye in the Sky by The Alan Parsons…… Continue reading The Eye in the Sky

Voyeur – A Self-Portrait

“You’re either going to walk through life and experience it fully or you’re going to be a voyeur.” -Nicole Kidman Self-portrait shot through the frosted glass of our back door.  This turned out to be a lot more creepy than I intended.  But I’m happy with that.  😉 Day 131 of my 365 photo a…… Continue reading Voyeur – A Self-Portrait

Minimalist Kick: Cyanotype on White

Sky Blue on White

I’ve been on a real minimalist kick in my art as of late.  You can certainly see that in my recent photographs in the 365 Project.  And lately, I’m actually finding it quite difficult to find and shoot compelling images of landscapes or cityscapes/architecture. So what is up?  I’ve never considered myself to be a…… Continue reading Minimalist Kick: Cyanotype on White

Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

“Ideas pull the trigger, but instinct loads the gun” –Don Marquis My take on the smoking gun.  This is a composite of two shots – the Browning 9mm pistol and the smoke. Day 126 of my 365 photo a day project. If you are looking for art for your home or office or something to…… Continue reading Smoking Gun

Day 123 – Binary

Day 123 - Binary

“There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.” — Unknown I think the message says it all!  😉 Day 123 of 365.

Worry – Self-Portrait

“Pull me under Pull me under Pull me under I’m not afraid All that I feel is honor and spite All I can do is to set it right Dust fills my eyes Clouds roll by and I roll with them Centuries cry Orders fly and I fall again This world is spinning inside me…… Continue reading Worry – Self-Portrait

Dark Forest

Dark Forest

“The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness.” –Vladimir Nabokov A foggy December day creates a dark and moody scene in Riverside Park, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Day 77 of 365

What is the Question

What is the Question

“Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom.” –Marilyn Ferguson When I look up at the top of the staircase that is my life’s journey, I see a dark figure looking down at me. That dark figure is me.  It is the inner voice that says be afraid, quit, you…… Continue reading What is the Question



“Our moments of inspiration are not lost though we have no particular poem to show for them; for those experiences have left an indelible impression, and we are ever and anon reminded of them.” –Henry David Thoreau Coming and going.  Up and down and the sidewalk.  Who are they?  Where are they going?  They continue…… Continue reading Footprints



“Everything is nothing with a twist.” –Kurt Vonnegut Nothing.  I walked for a couple of hours, camera in hand, and shot nothing worth processing  – much less sharing with the world.  Blah.  Time to go home.  Then on the way back, along the side of the street, I saw this twisty little vine holding on…… Continue reading Twisted



“The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web.” -Pablo Picasso A study of shape, line, texture, and tone. Shot with my cell phone and processed in Photoshop. Day 35 of…… Continue reading Passageway