Fixture – Look Up

A simple light fixture in the ceiling at the Milwaukee Public Library Central branch. Copyright 2017 Scott Norris Photography

“Man cannot aspire if he looked down; if he rise, he must look up” –Samuel Smiles Whenever I am out and about with my camera, I am always looking around. Up, down, left, right, front, behind.  You never know what a change in perspective will reveal.  That is especially true when inside old public buildings.  …… Continue reading Fixture – Look Up

A Place to Sit 2

A Place to Sit 1

“The human body has two ends on it: one to create with and one to sit on. Sometimes people get their ends reversed. When this happens they need a kick in the seat of the pants.” –Theodore Roosevelt A place to sit. The Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee Wisconsin. Looking for art for your home or…… Continue reading A Place to Sit 2

Gnarled Old Tree

Gnarled Old Tree

“Love is a naked shadow, on a gnarled and naked tree” –Langston Hughes An old and twisted tree stands on the shore of an icy pond on a cold and dreary morning. Photograph taken at the Veterans Park pond near the Lake Michigan shore, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Looking for art for your home or office or something…… Continue reading Gnarled Old Tree

What the…?!

What the...?!

“Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise.” –Alice Walker A “surprising” self-portrait.  Perhaps apropos the goings on in the world these days. Looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop?  Check out the rest of my portfolio here.  And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog so you don’t…… Continue reading What the…?!

Water Flowing

Water Flowing

The water is flowing fast in the Milwaukee River these days.  This shot was taken under the Locust Street bridge on the East Side of Milwaukee.  Taken at midday, I used a 10-stop ND filter to slow down the water and create the smooth, silk-like motion. For some reason, while I was shooting,  the chorus…… Continue reading Water Flowing

Straight Line Above

Straight Line Above

“The straight line belongs to men, the curved one to God.” –Antoni Gaudi Whenever I am out and about, I’m always looking up (and down and around).  Some of the most interesting photographs can be found when you look at things from a different perspective.  And that is especially true of architecture. Looking up, I…… Continue reading Straight Line Above

Look Into My Eyes

Look Into My Eyes

“Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you’ll see the way to fly.” –Richard Bach Day 357 of my 365 photo a day project. Processed in Photoshop and Lightroom with liberal use of Topaz Glow and Topaz Impression.…… Continue reading Look Into My Eyes

Waiting for the River

Waiting for the River

“He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic waiting for the river to run out before he crosses.” –Horace I am often guilty of standing by while the world spins around.   Minor things become important while the essentials are forgotten or relegated to the bottom of the to-do lists.   However, time…… Continue reading Waiting for the River

Down Feather

Down Feather

Another reoccurring subject in my 365 Project is feathers.  This tiny down feather is the latest image in that theme.  Only about an inch long, it’s amazing that a collection of these can power flight. Day 352 of my 365 photo a day project. Looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop?  This image and most…… Continue reading Down Feather

Dizzy Moon

Dizzy Moon

I call this one Dizzy Moon for what may or may not be obvious reasons.  But the title came only as I was finishing up my processing.  In actuality,  I had no real goal in mind when I shot it outside of creating an abstract. Well, that is not entirely true.  I guess I wanted to play…… Continue reading Dizzy Moon

The Frame

The Frame

“Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet.” –Victor Hugo Day 343 of my 365 photo a day project. The inspiration for this image comes from the abstract expressionist painter Agnes Martin.   Works of art by painters, writers, and musicians often serve as idea factories for me.…… Continue reading The Frame

Missing Muse and the Watering Can

Missing Muse and the Watering Can

I am spent.  I worked practically all night on a project and got very little rest.  Hence, I’m rushing around tonight to find something to shoot.  And my inspiration, my muse, is still on vacation.   So what you get is a quick macro abstact shot of a miniture watering can. Now that I think about it, this image…… Continue reading Missing Muse and the Watering Can