A Riff on Magritte’s The Pilgrim

A Riff on Magritte's The Pilgrim

One of the great things about my 365 project, is the necessity to experiment, or riff, on different styles and techniques.  To keep the daily image fresh and exciting to both me and the viewer,  I have to constantly push out of my comfort zone.  Today, I decided to borrow some ideas from Belgian surrealist painter Rene…… Continue reading A Riff on Magritte’s The Pilgrim

Every Day Dilemma

Every Day Dilemma

The dilemma of a life as a freelance photographer and 3D/2D motion graphics artist is you must find a way to balance family time, client needs, personal projects, relaxation time, and the mundane but necessary tasks of running a business.   It’s enough to drive you crazy at times – being at the center of a…… Continue reading Every Day Dilemma