Leica Christmas

Leica Christmas

This is probably the closest I’ll come to owning a Leica camera – a nice glass ornament on our Christmas tree.  And like the real Leica,  the viewfinder works. And since it is December 6th, I’d like to say Happy St. Nicholas Day! I shot 15 frames to get this image, 5 sets of 3 bracketed…… Continue reading Leica Christmas

Boy with His Guitar

Boy with Guitar

A boy and his (it’s really his daddy’s) old 3/4-sized gut string guitar. This was shot with my cell phone and processed in Photoshop using Topaz Labs plugins – Impression, Texture Effects, ReMask, and DeNoise. Day 66 of 365

Learning to Hop

Learning to Hop

My son is learning to jump and hop now.  I wanted to capture this moment in a photo so I took three shots of him in action and then combined them into one image.  The vintage polaroid/1970 photomat-look was added just because watching him grow up reminds my of my own childhood was back in the….well,…… Continue reading Learning to Hop

Open for Refreshments

Open for Refreshments

We picked up our Christmas tree for the house today.  It wasn’t quite a Charlie Brown tree, but it was probably one of the smallest they had.  We went to a place in Riverwest off of Humboldt Boulevard in Milwaukee called Kellners Greenhouses.  It doesn’t look like much from the street but you don’t see…… Continue reading Open for Refreshments

X Blocks

X Blocks

These are my son’s old alphabet stacking blocks.  And he loves playing with them.  Well, I have to admit, that I love playing with them too.  Spelling out words,  seeing how high I can stack them, building pyramids – all the things a middle aged man is supposed to do, right?  No, you say?  Well,…… Continue reading X Blocks

What is the Question

What is the Question

“Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom.” –Marilyn Ferguson When I look up at the top of the staircase that is my life’s journey, I see a dark figure looking down at me. That dark figure is me.  It is the inner voice that says be afraid, quit, you…… Continue reading What is the Question

Exit To Somewhere


An exit is not just a way out, it is a way in – an entrance, if you will, to somewhere else. This sign is above a door in one of the buildings in the old Pabst Brewery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Day 60 of my 365 photo a day project.

Apothecary Bottle and Clothespin

Apothecary Bottle Clothespin

The dark damp and mostly forgotten corners of the basement of the two-flat in which we live is a gold mine for cool subjects to shoot.  Today I found this tiny old apothecary bottle and a clothespin on top of an old dust-covered cabinet with the fading late afternoon sunlight trickling through the one grime…… Continue reading Apothecary Bottle and Clothespin

Holding On

Holding On

“Don’t rush me just this once I want to make this moment last Slow down the pace, there’s no hurry I can’t let another pass me by again Let me be the one to say when I’ve had enough” –from the song “Hold On” by Santana This last little leaf was one of only a…… Continue reading Holding On

Top of the Stairs

Top of the Stairs

“And when it’s twelve a clock We climb the stair We never knock ‘Cause nobody’s there Just me and my shadow All alone and feeling blue” –from the song “Me and My Shadow” by Al Jolson, Billy Rose, and Dave Dreyer The back stairs of our two-flat just before dusk.  When it gets dark, these…… Continue reading Top of the Stairs

Through the Stained Glass

Through the Stained Glass

This stained glass window was shot from a small courtyard looking through a double door to the small warm intimate pub inside at the Pabst Brewery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I used my 50mm lens set at f/1.8 to get the nice bokeh,  both inside and in the reflection on the glass of the first door.…… Continue reading Through the Stained Glass