Eternity Spinning

Eternity Spinning

“Whatever may happen to you was prepared for you from all eternity; and the implication of causes was from eternity spinning the thread of your being.” –Marcus Aurelius Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like Sisyphus, repeatedly rolling the proverbial boulder up the hill only to see it roll down again…… Continue reading Eternity Spinning

Coffee Tins All in a Row

Coffee Tins All in a Row

If you are of a certain age, you’ll remember in your Dad’s or Granddad’s basement, garage, or back shed workshop, the rows and rows of old coffee tins, mayonnaise jars, paper bags, and old metal cans full of various nuts, bolts, nails, screws, and all kids of metal parts.   Right next to that was…… Continue reading Coffee Tins All in a Row

The Lonely Robot Photographer

The Lonely Robot Photographer

The lonely robot photographer sits under a street light waiting for the sun to rise over the horizon.  This is another in a series of fun shots of the little robot that travels with me on my photographic journeys.  You could call him my mascot or perhaps my good luck charm.  The little guy is also…… Continue reading The Lonely Robot Photographer

No More Spark

No More Spark

This old Champion sticker rests in a window at Joe’s Super Service,  an abandoned service station along state highway 60 in Rubicon, Wisconsin.  By the look of the place, I venture a guess that there have been no plugs sold or vehicles serviced there in quite a long time. I shot this on a brief day trip…… Continue reading No More Spark

Tequila for Cinco de Mayo

Tequila for Cinco de Mayo

How about a shot of tequila for Cinco de Mayo?  Now I will fully admit I don’t celebrate the 5th of May.  Certainly, I’ve been with friends and had a beer or two or a shot, but I don’t go out with the express purpose of observing the day.  Heck, I hardly go out at all…… Continue reading Tequila for Cinco de Mayo

Quiet Stream

Quiet Stream

This quiet stream is at the Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary in West Bend, Wisconsin.  My family and I spent the day there exploring and enjoying the quiet of a crowd-free weekday visit.  The menagerie of animals included a wide variety of deer and elk, bison, a cougar, bobcats, foxes, raccoons, bear, mountain goats, emu, camels, llamas,…… Continue reading Quiet Stream

Spring Blossom

Spring Blossom

One of the challenges of shooting Spring flowers is trying to create something unique so that the blossom stands out from the millions of other flower photographs that out there.  And really that should be the goal of any artist – to stand out from the crowd.  To create something from the soul that will draw the viewer in and…… Continue reading Spring Blossom

Impressions of Spring

Impressions of Spring

It’s finally Spring here in Wisconsin.  It’s still cold, but the flowers are out.  Yay!!  Time to shoot flowers and find things with color!   With this macro shot, I intentionally left the depth of field very narrow and the flower mostly out of focus because I knew I was going to process it with…… Continue reading Impressions of Spring

Raindrops on Green

Raindrops on Green

A line of tiny raindrops sit atop a green leaf against a backdrop of vibrant, verdant green after an early May rain shower. What a way to start the month.  Now it is Wisconsin – so it wasn’t warm by any means when I shot this macro image.  If fact, with the humidity, it was the…… Continue reading Raindrops on Green

Zero Zilch Zip

Zero Zilch Zip

My mind was a creative zero today.  Nothing. Nil. Nada. Zilch. Zip.   I had a few shots in mind, but nothing really worked and I never felt the inspiration.  But that is OK.  After 212 days – today is day 213 – it was bound to happen again.  As they say in the movies,…… Continue reading Zero Zilch Zip

Honeywell Tilt-A-Mite Flash Gun

Honeywell Tilt-A-Mite

The Honeywell Tilt-A-Mite articulated vintage flash gun, circa late 1950s.   Another one of the many vintage camera accessories I have occupying a shelf in my office. Ok, and a box on the floor.  And a crate in basement.  Oh, and there are those other boxes. I love this particular unit because it looks like…… Continue reading Honeywell Tilt-A-Mite Flash Gun

Moonrise on the Water

Moonrise on the Water

I call this image “Moonrise on the Water” for obvious reasons.  However, what you may not realize, is this image started out as a colorful sunset over a small stream in the Kettle Moraine State Forest in southeast Wisconsin.   Really?  Yep.  Really.  I was intrigued with the RAW file enough to play around with…… Continue reading Moonrise on the Water