National Selfie Day

National Selfie Day

Today is National Selfie Day.  Now you may think with the way social media is these days that every day is National Selfie Day and you’re probably right.  But either way, today is the official day.  Therefore,  I’m adding my own mug to the endless stream of self shot portraits. My intention with this shot was to do…… Continue reading National Selfie Day

Hands Drawing Hands

Hands Drawing Hands

Today, while staring at a blank sheet of paper on my desk, trying to write out a to-do list and thoughts about future photo shoots, I had the idea of trying to create something reminiscent of M.C. Escher’s work, “Drawing Hands”.  So much for the lists! It was a very simple setup.  Actually, it wasn’t…… Continue reading Hands Drawing Hands

64 Colors

64 Colors

Peach.  Lavender.  Thistle.  Orange-Yellow.  Or was it Yellow-Orange?  Some very obvious names and some that made you scratch your head. I think it would have been great fun to be paid to name the colors of each crayon.  Which was/is your favorite color? This shot came about after I spent the better part of the…… Continue reading 64 Colors