Whirlwind of the Mind

Whirlwind of the Mind

“To really ask is to open the door to the whirlwind. The answer may annihilate the question and the questioner.” –Anne Rice A self-portrait combining my passion for photography and my “day job” of  3D /2D animation and motion graphics.   I shot a quick and simple head shot with my 50mm lens set pretty…… Continue reading Whirlwind of the Mind

Broken Bulb

“I am on until I am dead, like a light bulb.” –Henry Rollins A single broken and burned out light bulb on a bright white background. Day 135 of 365

Minimalist Kick: Cyanotype on White

Sky Blue on White

I’ve been on a real minimalist kick in my art as of late.  You can certainly see that in my recent photographs in the 365 Project.  And lately, I’m actually finding it quite difficult to find and shoot compelling images of landscapes or cityscapes/architecture. So what is up?  I’ve never considered myself to be a…… Continue reading Minimalist Kick: Cyanotype on White

Vintage Farmall Tractor

Vintage Farmall Tractor

I found this vintage Farmall tractor while on a family trip to the Cedarburg Creek Farm pumpkin patch in Cedarburg, Wisconsin.  They actually had two vintage tractors – this one and a John Deere – pictures to follow later at some point, maybe.  😉  The Farmall was old, certainly well used and most certainly beat…… Continue reading Vintage Farmall Tractor