Perpetual Motion

Perpetual Motion

Perpetual motion, a device or body that once set in motion would continue moving forever.  Now, as it stands, such a machine is impossible due to friction and other natural forces.  But there are days where it seems my son is living proof that such machines do, in fact, exist.  He is always moving and…… Continue reading Perpetual Motion

Family Time on a Spring Weekend

Family Hike

Today was all about family.  It was an absolutely beautiful spring day with temps in the mid-70s and plenty of sunshine.  We bought plants for the garden in the morning and then hiked the Seven Bridges Trail in South Milwaukee before noon.  After naps (unfortunately, no nap for me), we grilled hot dogs and corn on the…… Continue reading Family Time on a Spring Weekend

Two Wild and Crazy Guys

This is what a tired son with a cold and a tired Dad (both with very little sleep) do when left to their own devices.  Two wild and crazy guys – with apologies to Steve Martin and Dan Aykroyd. Shot with my Droid cell phone. Day 133 of my 365 photo a day project. If…… Continue reading Two Wild and Crazy Guys