Give Thanks for the Light

Give Thanks for the Light

“When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.” -Tecumseh Sunlight streams through a small dried Incrediball Hydrangea bloom set in front of…… Continue reading Give Thanks for the Light

Color and Smoke III – Dance

Color and Smoke III

“I’d rather learn from one bird how to sing than to teach ten thousand stars how not to dance” — e.e. cummings The third in a series, this is two different photographs combined into one image.  I love how the two seem to be embracing, as if dancing.   As before, the smoke was shot…… Continue reading Color and Smoke III – Dance

Color and Smoke II – RGB Triptych

“There may be a great fire in our soul, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke.” -Vincent van Gogh As promised, here is more smoke!  The three images were shot and processed individually and then combined into the triptych here.  I’ve combined them…… Continue reading Color and Smoke II – RGB Triptych

Color and Smoke I

Color and Smoke I

“Our world is a magical smoke screen.” –Catherine E. Coulson as The Log Lady, Twin Peaks One of the keys to becoming a better, more accomplished artist, is to explore new things, new techniques, new processes.  Through playing, much like a child, we learn and grow.  Many of the new and crazy things we try…… Continue reading Color and Smoke I


Water Colors

A watercolor paint tray on a white background.  There is something about a set of these simple paints that just makes me happy.  Perhaps it reminds me of the hours and hours I spent creating page after page of refrigerator masterpieces as a child.  Perhaps it is simply the spectrum of bright colors.  Whatever it…… Continue reading Watercolor

The Morning Power Up

Morning Power Up

I wish I could just push the power button to wake up in the morning.  Just push it, wait 30 seconds, and be ready to go.  Well, I guess that is what coffee does for me, three cups of it, but it works.  This image is a comp of my everyday coffee mug and the “On”…… Continue reading The Morning Power Up



One of the things that makes a good photograph is simplicity.  Think about what you are trying to create – what is your goal, what are you trying to say, what is the subject – and then remove/minimize all other distractions, either in camera or in processing.   Reduce, streamline, boil down. Make it as visually…… Continue reading Intersection

Lake Michigan Minimalist Triptych

Lake Michigan Minimalist Triptych

It was going to happen.  A day within the 365 days of my project where I don’t feel like going out to shoot nor do I feel too creative.  Heck, it’s Monday after the holidays – I don’t feel like creating anything.  But the project is a photo-a-day project, not a photo-on-the-days-I-feel-like-maybe-kinda-sorta-I-might-could-shoot-and-process-something project. So here…… Continue reading Lake Michigan Minimalist Triptych

Blank Slate

Blank Slate - Park Bench in Snow

As 2016 begins, we should all sit down, relax, and imagine what we can create in the coming months.  After all, at this moment, the year is a blank slate.  Focusing on what you want to achieve is the first step toward making it happen.  And you’ll never get there if you never try.  …… Continue reading Blank Slate

Under the Tree

Under the Tree

“He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.” –Roy L. Smith A garland of stars on our Christmas tree.  Oh, what fun this tree will see in the next few days. Day 84 of 365

Lincoln Memorial Drive

Lincoln Memorial Drive

This shot came about more from wanting to test my new ICE 10-stop neutral density filter, rather than from a creative idea.  I knew I wanted water and possibly clouds (although the clouds weren’t really moving fast enough) in the shot but other than that, I had know idea what I was going to get.…… Continue reading Lincoln Memorial Drive