The Glass Tower on Downer Avenue

The Glass Tower on Downer Avenue

This concrete and glass “tower” sits on the corner of Downer Avenue and Bellview Place on the East Side of Milwaukee.  I’ve tried shooting this many times and have never really captured the shot I wanted.  But then today, after shooting it once more, I discovered one of the reasons I was not satisfied.  The…… Continue reading The Glass Tower on Downer Avenue



I actually had a tough time coming up with something to say about this image beyond the title.  I called it “Unzipping” for obvious reasons.  And my goal in shooting it was very simple – I thought the graphic nature of the line of the zipper and the metal teeth coming undone would make for a very cool…… Continue reading Unzipping

The Creative Process: A Starting Point

Water Drops on an Orange Lily

“We do not evaluate the result but the starting point of the creative process.” –Ludwig Mies van der Rohe In his thoughts on Photography, Ernst Haas said “the camera only facilitates the taking.”  To what degree is a source of great debate.  Some believe photography is only about capturing the moment and no extra processing is…… Continue reading The Creative Process: A Starting Point

The Questions Worth Asking

The Questions Worth Asking

“The questions worth asking, in other words, come not from other people but from nature, and are for the most part delicate things easily drowned out by the noise of everyday life” –Robert B. Laughlin A tiny, solitary feather floats in the warm glow of the evening light.  These are the moments I live for…… Continue reading The Questions Worth Asking

Learning to Let Go

Learning to Let Go

“Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it.” –Ray Bradbury Life can be crazy.  Or perhaps, better said, Life is crazy.  Just turn on the news, read the newspaper, listen…… Continue reading Learning to Let Go

Ribbons and Streamers

Ribbons and Streamers

Ribbons and streamers blowing in the night breeze as fireworks explode in the sky marking the 240th birthday of the USA. For the 4th of July, I wanted to do something different for my shot of the day.  A shot of fireworks was too obvious.  And my shots of parades and picnics did not really…… Continue reading Ribbons and Streamers

Bright Ideas

Bright Ideas

The bright ideas have, for the most part, flowed freely during this 365 project.  Well, that fount of creative concepts dried up today.  Oh sure, I shot a few things.  I even went back through some older shots seeing if anything would jump out at me, saying “Yes, this is your image of the day!”  But…… Continue reading Bright Ideas

Veil of Memory

Veil of Memory

As I inch ever closer to a half century on this Earth, I’m reminded more and more how fragile memory can be. Whether it is forgetting where I put my keys or trying to think of what’s-his-name that sat next to me in home room back in grade school, the older I get the more…… Continue reading Veil of Memory

An Orange Lily

An Orange Lily

This single orange lily is one of many that line our driveway from the garage to the street.  Today, while most were in the shade of the house, this one was off by itself, basking in the glow of the sun. For some reason, I thought of the old Chinese proverb that says if you…… Continue reading An Orange Lily

Paint Me a Blue Sky

Blue Sky

“Paint me a blue sky.  May the colors run true.  That I may look to the Heavens, when I search for the truth.” –Ian Moore , “Blue Sky” from his debut album. I thought with all of the craziness going on in the world today, what everyone needed was a big, bright, happy expanse of sky.…… Continue reading Paint Me a Blue Sky

Perpetual Motion

Perpetual Motion

Perpetual motion, a device or body that once set in motion would continue moving forever.  Now, as it stands, such a machine is impossible due to friction and other natural forces.  But there are days where it seems my son is living proof that such machines do, in fact, exist.  He is always moving and…… Continue reading Perpetual Motion

Doubled Arches

Doubled Arches

These futuristic arches line a hallway in the Milwaukee Art Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Now, in reality, it is just one hall, not two. I mirrored the image to create the pair of arched hallways. You may ask why I decided to mirror the shot.  The architecture of this building, especially the interior spaces, is reminiscent of sets…… Continue reading Doubled Arches