Architectural EKG

Architectural EKG on the East Side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Copyright 2017 Scott Norris Photography

An architectural EKG on the East Side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  I walk past this building on the way to the library from my home at least once a week. Yet in all that time, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed the angles of the roofline.  And that just proves that you can still find very interesting…… Continue reading Architectural EKG

Mixed Signals

Mixed Signals

Which way should I go?  I’m getting some mixed signals.  Left or right?  I don’t like either direction.  Hmm, perhaps I’ll just stay put in the middle for a while. Day 316 of my 365 photo a day project. I shot this image of a bike/walking path from the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Monona Terrace in Madison,…… Continue reading Mixed Signals

The Chicago Elevated

The Elevated II

It has been a couple of years since I’ve taken a ride on the Chicago Elevated.  And a bit longer than that since I took this photo. (July, 2011)  But tomorrow I will be back in old Chi-Town to meet some great friends and spend the entire day shooting the city.  It is interesting that…… Continue reading The Chicago Elevated

Alley Gas Pump

Alley Gas Pump

It’s a bit strange to find a diesel gas pump sitting in an alley in a residential city neighborhood.  It’s not something you see everyday for sure.  This one, however, belongs to the fine folks of Milwaukee Fire Department Station 27 – home of Engine 27 and Ladder Truck 5.  Situated near the Milwaukee River…… Continue reading Alley Gas Pump

East Side Pay Phone

East Side Pay Phone

The public pay phone.  They used to be everywhere – at every gas station, market, bar, many street corners, and rest stops along the highway.   Now, in the cell phone age, when I see one of these, I usually do a double take.  It’s certainly a rare site and brings back a lot of…… Continue reading East Side Pay Phone

Brick and Peeling Paint

Brick and Peeling Paint

Today, I’m just going for a bit of texture.  Ok, a lot of texture.  This shot of brick and peeling paint was taken on a walk to the store.  I’ve passed by this overhead door many times and have never stopped before.  And now I think I’ll have to come back with my tripod and…… Continue reading Brick and Peeling Paint

Exit To Somewhere


An exit is not just a way out, it is a way in – an entrance, if you will, to somewhere else. This sign is above a door in one of the buildings in the old Pabst Brewery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Day 60 of my 365 photo a day project.

Fiery Autumn

Fiery Autumn

Yes, it’s getting colder, the days are getting shorter,  and summer is gone.  But scenes like this make up for all that. Well, almost… 😉 Autumn in all of its fiery glory with the reds, oranges, yellows, and greens set against a bright blue fall sky.  This shot was taken near the Urban Ecology Center along the…… Continue reading Fiery Autumn