Gnarled Old Tree

Gnarled Old Tree

“Love is a naked shadow, on a gnarled and naked tree” –Langston Hughes An old and twisted tree stands on the shore of an icy pond on a cold and dreary morning. Photograph taken at the Veterans Park pond near the Lake Michigan shore, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Looking for art for your home or office or something…… Continue reading Gnarled Old Tree


"It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake, the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam. This crisp winter air is full of it." --John Burroughs Frosty ice crystals form on my office window on a very cold January winter morning in Milwaukee. They are beautiful for sure, but it has to be quite frigid for these to grow. Plus, your windows need to be a bit drafty. Oh well, the things we sacrifice for our art. Copyright 2017 Scott Norris Photography

“It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake, the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam. This crisp winter air is full of it.” –John Burroughs Frosty ice crystals form on my office window on a very cold January winter morning in Milwaukee. They are beautiful for sure, but…… Continue reading Frost

Black Tree White Sky

Black Tree White Sky

“If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.” –Jim Rohn This photo of a lone tree, shot in McKinley Park along Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, originally included the hazy blue sky, the foreground grass and corresponding shadows, and the blue waters of Lake Michigan in the background.  All nice things, but…… Continue reading Black Tree White Sky

Two Trees in the Snow

Two Trees in Snow

These two trees seem to be embracing or at least leaning on each other – like two old friends enjoying each other’s company. Shot in Lake Park, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Day 94 of my 365 Photo-a-day Project.    

Tree in the Fog 2 – Behind the Scenes

A Tree in the Fog 2 Behind the Scenes

I’ve been asked time and again about my process of creating the photographs I display.  Each shot is different and so the process is different for each photo. Here is a brief look behind the scenes.  Sometimes I’ll adjust the contrast, saturation, and exposure and voila!, a finished image.  Sometimes, I’ll work on an image for…… Continue reading Tree in the Fog 2 – Behind the Scenes

Texas A&M University Century Oak

The Century Oak

I was born and raised in Texas and spent 12 years of my life in College Station, Texas.  I consider it my hometown even though I was born in Baytown.  I went to high school (A&M Consolidated Tigers) and college there.  I miss the town, the campus of Texas A&M, and certainly the people -…… Continue reading Texas A&M University Century Oak

Exhibition Opening, Forward 2014: A Survey of Wisconsin Art Now

A Tree in the Fog 2

Join us at the exhibition opening which features one of Scott’s photographs, “A Tree in the Fog 2.” Every two years, the Charles Allis Art Museum hosts Forward: A Survey of Wisconsin Art Now, a juried exhibition showcasing the work of Wisconsin artists. Laurie Winters, Executive Director, CEO of the Museum of Wisconsin Art is…… Continue reading Exhibition Opening, Forward 2014: A Survey of Wisconsin Art Now