Fierce Calm

Fierce Calm

Long exposures of large fierce waves can produce a surprisingly ethereal and calm image.  The waves you don’t see in this image were around 4-6 feet tall.  Quite tall for Lake Michigan, but what you’d expect after a thunderstorm.  And since this is yet another horizon shot for me, I wanted to do something different with the…… Continue reading Fierce Calm

Go For a Spin

Go For a Spin

Anyone want to go for a spin?  Normally, I would answer this question with a yes! However, at a neighborhood carnival, I would have to pass.  I love watching the rides twist and turn with the flashing lights and glowing neon.  But my inner ear, stomach, and I have an understanding – everything will be…… Continue reading Go For a Spin

Today I Am Tired

Today, I am tired. I'm exhausted from lack of sleep and too much coffee. I'm mentally drained from trying to do everything on my "to-do" list all at the same time. I'm emotionally fatigued from just about everything I see on the news. Today I feel my age and that makes me weary. But tomorrow the sun will rise. I'll have a cup of coffee while listening to the birds singing outside and my wife and son laughing inside. It will be a brand new day. And I will not be tired. Day 285 of my 365 photo a day project. Copyright 2016 Scott Norris Photography

Today, I am tired.  I’m exhausted from lack of sleep and too much coffee.  I’m mentally drained from trying to do everything on my “to-do” list all at the same time.  I’m emotionally fatigued from just about everything I see on the news.  Today I feel my age and that makes me weary. But tomorrow…… Continue reading Today I Am Tired

Ribbons and Streamers

Ribbons and Streamers

Ribbons and streamers blowing in the night breeze as fireworks explode in the sky marking the 240th birthday of the USA. For the 4th of July, I wanted to do something different for my shot of the day.  A shot of fireworks was too obvious.  And my shots of parades and picnics did not really…… Continue reading Ribbons and Streamers

What is the Question

What is the Question

“Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom.” –Marilyn Ferguson When I look up at the top of the staircase that is my life’s journey, I see a dark figure looking down at me. That dark figure is me.  It is the inner voice that says be afraid, quit, you…… Continue reading What is the Question