Steel Tower

The Steel Tower

This steel clad octagonal tower is the historic North Point Lighthouse.  It sits on the bluffs overlooking the waters of Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s Lake Park.   It stands at 74 feet and when it was in use the 25,000 candlepower lamp and Fresnel lens focused a 1,300,000 candlepower signal visible for up to 25 miles. The lighthouse…… Continue reading Steel Tower

Late Afternoon at the Lighthouse

North Point Lighthouse

This is the North Point Lighthouse in Milwaukee’s Lake Park along the bluffs overlooking Lake Michigan. This was not what I was planning on shooting but wow, the light was so sublime that I just had to stop .  It was almost as if the sun, clouds, and lighthouse were calling to me – Hey,…… Continue reading Late Afternoon at the Lighthouse


Cafe Winter Solstice

I had a recurring dream when I was a kid. It was night.  I was totally alone in a small hilltop village square, cobblestones beneath my feet.The street lamps were bright and the storefronts were lit up.  In the center of the square stood a small kiosk with a clock.  It was still and quiet…… Continue reading Dreamland