Three Oak Leaves

Three Oak Leaves

Now that October is upon us,  the leaves have started changing colors.  I found these three Oak leaves along a walkway in Riverside Park near my home.  While most of the leaves are still green in the area, you can see a hint of color hear and there.  Soon enough the parks, woods, and forests…… Continue reading Three Oak Leaves

The Parking Garage

Parking Garage at the End of the World

The road twisted down into the open mouth of the parking garage.  Slow. Slow. Slowly descending into the earth.  We would be out of the searing sun and the heart of the day, no doubt.  But what of the dangers that lurked below? There was only one way to find out.  Down. down. Downward into the blackness. Day 299…… Continue reading The Parking Garage

Slow Please

Slow Please

Go slow please.  On a multi-use walking / bike path like this one, it is pretty obvious why this was stenciled on the asphalt.  But after I shot this, I started to think about other ways I should take heed of the sign.  Here are just a few thoughts (in no particular order):  Be slow to speak…… Continue reading Slow Please