Leaf Bottle Rocks

A tiny empty glass bottle, three decaying leaves, and three lake stones on a wooden table. This was photographed with a single speedlight flash camera left fitted with a homemade diffuser to soften the harsh light. Processed in Lightroom and Photoshop. Nikon D700, 50mm lens, ISO 100, 1/200, f/4. Copyright 2018 Scott Norris Photography scottnorrisphotography.com

A tiny empty glass bottle, three decaying leaves, and three lake stones on a wooden table. This was photographed with a single speedlight flash camera left, fitted with a homemade diffuser to soften the harsh light. Processed in Lightroom and Photoshop. Nikon D700, 50mm lens, ISO 100, 1/200, f/4. Looking for art for your home…… Continue reading Leaf Bottle Rocks

Empty Watercolor Paint Trays

"Make an empty space in any corner of your mind, and creativity will instantly fill it." --Dee Hock A well-used and thoroughly enjoyed water color paint set on a white canvas background. Copyright 2017 Scott Norris Photography scottnorrisphotography.com

“Make an empty space in any corner of your mind, and creativity will instantly fill it.” –Dee Hock A well-used and thoroughly enjoyed water color paint set on a white canvas background. Looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop?  This image is available for printing and download.  You can also check…… Continue reading Empty Watercolor Paint Trays

Paint Brush of the Soul

Paint Brush of the Soul

“Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.” –Henry Ward Beecher The photography is by me, but the idea for this image courtesy of my wife with the paint supplied by my son. Day 327 of my 365 photo a day project. Are you looking for…… Continue reading Paint Brush of the Soul

Magic Screen Duet

Magic Screen Duet

The Ohio Art Etch A Sketch with the “magic screen”.   First sold in the 1960s, I believe, it was (and still should be) in just about every kid’s toy box.  It was hours of fun, turning the knobs left and right, tongue stuck out in extreme concentration, trying so hard to create a masterpiece.…… Continue reading Magic Screen Duet

Creative Block

Creative Block

“The empty page before me now, the pen is in my hand The words don’t come so easy but I’m trying.” –from “On the Other Side” from Monolith by Kansas When you get 152 days into a 365 photo-a-day project, you are bound to have quite a few days where nothing looks right, there is no inspiration,…… Continue reading Creative Block


Water Colors

A watercolor paint tray on a white background.  There is something about a set of these simple paints that just makes me happy.  Perhaps it reminds me of the hours and hours I spent creating page after page of refrigerator masterpieces as a child.  Perhaps it is simply the spectrum of bright colors.  Whatever it…… Continue reading Watercolor

Hands Drawing Hands

Hands Drawing Hands

Today, while staring at a blank sheet of paper on my desk, trying to write out a to-do list and thoughts about future photo shoots, I had the idea of trying to create something reminiscent of M.C. Escher’s work, “Drawing Hands”.  So much for the lists! It was a very simple setup.  Actually, it wasn’t…… Continue reading Hands Drawing Hands

64 Colors

64 Colors

Peach.  Lavender.  Thistle.  Orange-Yellow.  Or was it Yellow-Orange?  Some very obvious names and some that made you scratch your head. I think it would have been great fun to be paid to name the colors of each crayon.  Which was/is your favorite color? This shot came about after I spent the better part of the…… Continue reading 64 Colors



“Artists are just children who refuse to put down their crayons.” –Al Hirschfeld Nothing brings back more childhood memories than a plastic tub filled with hundreds of old, well used, multi-colored Crayola sticks from the 1970s. Shot on my Droid Turbo and processed in Photoshop. Day 10 of my 365 photo a day project. If you…… Continue reading Crayons