Through the Stained Glass

Through the Stained Glass

This stained glass window was shot from a small courtyard looking through a double door to the small warm intimate pub inside at the Pabst Brewery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I used my 50mm lens set at f/1.8 to get the nice bokeh,  both inside and in the reflection on the glass of the first door.…… Continue reading Through the Stained Glass

Star Wars Selfie

Star Wars Selfie

I love Star Wars.  I was 9 years old when the original film was released in 1977.  I had all the toys. (man, do I wish I had them now, in their original boxes.  Cha-ching!)  So yeah, I’m just a bit excited, delighted, overjoyed, and thrilled about the imminent release of “The Force Awakens”.  I’m…… Continue reading Star Wars Selfie

Hot Rod Racer

Hot Rod Racer

This is my mini 1/64th scale 1953 Buick Century vintage toy hot rod car.  It was cold and west outside today, so I snapped a few shots of this baby and had a ton of fun processing the image.   I started in Lightroom then to Photoshop for some focus stacking and a myriad of…… Continue reading Hot Rod Racer

Backyard Leaves

Backyard Leaves

“As fall the light autumnal leaves, one still the other following, till the bough strews all its honors on the earth below.” –Dante Alighieri A carpet of fallen Maple leaves cover the ground in our backyard. Day 47 of my 365 photo a day project.

With Open Eyes

With Open Eyes

“All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.” –T. E. Lawrence Another…… Continue reading With Open Eyes

Sand and Water: Unplug

Sand and Water

With the state of current affairs in our world today, the need to unplug, get outside, forget about everything, and just be in nature is paramount.  This shot was me doing just that.  I wanted to create something that was peaceful and calm, yet also had a dark moody undertone that reflected the nature of…… Continue reading Sand and Water: Unplug

Flowing Water: The River

Flowing Water

“He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses.” –Horace The Milwaukee River under the Locust Street bridge.  Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Day 44 of my 365 photo a day project.

Bath Time II

Bath Time II

It’s bath time and the look says it all.  “Really, Dad?  Another photo?”  Big sigh. Yep!  Another one.  Smile!  Come on, give Daddy a smile! “Not gonna happen, Pops.  Just shoot the dang photo already.” Day 41 of my 365 photo a day project.

Romanesque Wheel

Romanesque Wheel

Romanesque Wheel: “People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” –Elisabeth Kubler-Ross A close up of the huge stained glass circular window on the front of St. Roberts Catholic…… Continue reading Romanesque Wheel

Ethereal Flow

Ethereal Flow

Ethereal Flow: “In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes; so with present time.” –Leonardo da Vinci I visit this small man-made waterfall in Lake Park on the East Side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, quite often.  It doesn’t always have a full flow of…… Continue reading Ethereal Flow



“Everything is nothing with a twist.” –Kurt Vonnegut Nothing.  I walked for a couple of hours, camera in hand, and shot nothing worth processing  – much less sharing with the world.  Blah.  Time to go home.  Then on the way back, along the side of the street, I saw this twisty little vine holding on…… Continue reading Twisted