The Barrier

"I'm woven in a fantasy, I can't believe the things I see The path that I have chosen now has led me to a wall... ...It rises now before me, A dark and silent barrier between, All I am, and all that I would ever want to be" --from "The Wall" by Kerry Livgren and Steve Walsh The sky, a window, and a wall. Taken on the roof of the historic Marshall Building on a warm summer evening in Milwaukee, Wisconsin's Third Ward. Copyright 2018 Scott Norris Photography

“I’m woven in a fantasy, I can’t believe the things I see The path that I have chosen now has led me to a wall… …It rises now before me, A dark and silent barrier between, All I am, and all that I would ever want to be” –from “The Wall” by Kerry Livgren and…… Continue reading The Barrier


“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.” –Henry David Thoreau Shot through a glass partition, this is a passing swell of water from the wave machine at Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s Discovery World. Looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your…… Continue reading Wave

Lines on Paper

Lines on Paper

While trying (and failing) to create some sort of folded/creased sculptures, I happily discovered this composition of crossing lines on one of the discarded pieces of paper. Forgetting my feeble attempts at sculpture, I snapped a few shots of my “creation”.  And I have to say,  I really like this. It has a kind of minimalist,…… Continue reading Lines on Paper

Garden Art

Garden Art

Today…well, this was actually yesterday, but I didn’t get a chance to post until today.  Anyway, we visited some friends in Glenview, Illinois.  I was out in their backyard shooting with my trusty Droid Turbo cell phone camera – don’t judge, it’s a good camera – when these crazy creepy garden fairies started running out…… Continue reading Garden Art