The Dark Forest

The Dark Forest

“We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness” ― Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness Looking at this image, I imagine an intrepid explorer journeying deep into the dark, foreboding, and totally unexplored jungle. Danger lurks behind every tree.  Will he find the lost civilization? Probably not, since this is a macro shot of…… Continue reading The Dark Forest

The Morning Power Up

Morning Power Up

I wish I could just push the power button to wake up in the morning.  Just push it, wait 30 seconds, and be ready to go.  Well, I guess that is what coffee does for me, three cups of it, but it works.  This image is a comp of my everyday coffee mug and the “On”…… Continue reading The Morning Power Up

Hands Drawing Hands

Hands Drawing Hands

Today, while staring at a blank sheet of paper on my desk, trying to write out a to-do list and thoughts about future photo shoots, I had the idea of trying to create something reminiscent of M.C. Escher’s work, “Drawing Hands”.  So much for the lists! It was a very simple setup.  Actually, it wasn’t…… Continue reading Hands Drawing Hands

Day 105 – Post It Note

Day 105 - Post It Note

Yeah, I had a lot of trouble finding something to shoot today.  So I thought, why not capture that?  I pinned a Post-It Note on my office bulletin board and shot it with my 50mm at f2.2 and 1/50 second exposure.  Then a simple crop,  black and white conversion, and spot & dust removal in Photoshop and…… Continue reading Day 105 – Post It Note

Abandoned School House and a Comfy Chair

Abandoned School and Comfy Chair

I originally shot this old school house interior and broken chair back in March of 2012.   My wife and I were taking the backroads in northern Illinois somewhere near Rockford when we passed this old building.  Of course, I immediately hit the brakes and turned around and started shooting.  There was something about the…… Continue reading Abandoned School House and a Comfy Chair



One of the things that makes a good photograph is simplicity.  Think about what you are trying to create – what is your goal, what are you trying to say, what is the subject – and then remove/minimize all other distractions, either in camera or in processing.   Reduce, streamline, boil down. Make it as visually…… Continue reading Intersection

Ice Crossing

One of the benefits (can you call it that?) of the old, relatively un-insulated windows in our house is that when it gets really cold outside, in the morning, we get this really cool window ice frost.  The crystals form fascinating intricate fractals patterns all over the glass.  This is image started as a simple…… Continue reading Ice Crossing

Abstract Tones

Abstract Tones

I call this image Abstract Tones.  Can you guess what it is?  I’ll admit to using Topaz Glow and Topaz Impression in the creation of this image, but both of those plugins were used at the end of the process in the final touches.  The spiral/ concentric circles you see here is straight of the camera.…… Continue reading Abstract Tones

Little Man

Little Man

It was guy’s time at the house today.  Mom was out running errands and such so the little man and I got to hang out and play all day.  Races were won, game winning goals were scored, huge cities were built (and destroyed.  ROAR!!), castles were defended, fierce dragons were slayed, railroads were built (yes,…… Continue reading Little Man

Worry – Self-Portrait

“Pull me under Pull me under Pull me under I’m not afraid All that I feel is honor and spite All I can do is to set it right Dust fills my eyes Clouds roll by and I roll with them Centuries cry Orders fly and I fall again This world is spinning inside me…… Continue reading Worry – Self-Portrait